• The dark, shadowy SOUL flew through the sky, passing through trees making them wilt and die. Floating up to a house, it forms into a human with red eyes. Looks through window. As it stares at the red headed boy snoaring, he grins and tilts his head. His hand morphing through the window ready to grab the boys neck.....RING! Flares alarm goes off and wakes up in shock as sweat rolls down his face. He looks at the time, and notices it only 10:00. He looks through the window left to right. "weird". As he sits on the couch alone while no ones at the house. "I love suspentions". He smirked, then the bell rang. "who could that be, no one from school of coarse." He looks in the kitchen at the cookies, not girl scouts. He opened it, and a boy with black hair stands there with bloody wounds. "h-help me.." he falls to the ground in pain.

    The boy wakes up on a couch wih bandeges on his wounds and smells this delicouse frangrant, that even the badly wounded coudnt resist it. He sits up and looks in the kitchen, and the delicouse fragrant was just ramen noodels. Flare turns his head. "you shoudnt be up your badly wounded." "sorry, i just smelt this amazing smell." Flare gives a straight face. "its just ramen, it cant be that resitibal" they both lagh a little at the remark. Later they sat on the couch intrudusing themselves. "Im Flare and your name is?" "Oh, my name is Shadow, dont have a last name, never had, never will." "What happened to you, where do you live?" asked Flare. Im a orphane, the place i live was destryoed from a strange explosion." Just then Flares eyes widened and stood up with a frightining thought. "My parents were killed from a strange explosion too, at least thats what my orphane parents said..."

    "How strange. But look at the bright side, if it wasnt for you i wouldn't be alive, and im in debt for that." "No, problem Shadow." They grabed each other hand and shook, as a dark grin came from Shadows face.

    To be continued......