• Meaning by Interest~ biggrin

    A girl named Soon Yoona was born as farmer's daughter. When she was 12 until she grown up now, her only ambition is to become a traveller. But when she was 17 years and 11 month old, his father, Yoon EuynHeok asked her to be a doctor. Since her birthday is only 1 month left. A day before her birthday, she ran away from home with some supplies. She was lucky that she was a pretty girl. Many men wanted her to become their wife. But there are only a person in his heart which she loved when she was 11 years old. She wanted to met that person again and become his wife. The person that I meant is call Yeun Brian. Yeun Brian is her best friend and a very loyal friend. Brian was her first crush. She only wanted to become Brian's wife. As she ran away from home, she went to a jungle. She stayed at the jungle. The jungle was the first jungle that she went with Brian. When it was Yoona's birthday she sang her own birthday song. Brian helped her to create a birthday song. Bird chirpeds when they heared melodious voice made by Yoona. Yoona plucked cranberries,strawberries,apples,oranges,grapes and many other fruit there. She ate the fruit and wished that she can become a famous traveller that had a husband which is her well-know best friend. Even in a situation like that, so walked out from the forest to an airport nearby. She mananged to take a bath in the river. She picked flower petals to took a bath with her. She smelled so fresh, like the fruits over there. When she was at the airport she saw a snatcher that snatch an old lady's handbag. She was also lucky that she can run fast and already learnt a lot of karate. Her quote that she brings always is "Don't underestimate asian girls like me." She ran toward the snatcher quickly and karate the snatcher. The snatcher was beaten just by a girl. Impressive. She returned the old lady's handbag. She was hoping that the old lady would not wanted to give her some money, but if the old lady gives or offers money or any other things, she would like to accept. The old lady offered Yoona to have a flight with her. The old lady's face seem familliar with somebody but she don't know who. She had a flight with the old lady to Tokyo, Japan. There, she met Azuma Kazuma, a famous asian traveller. She wanted to know whats the secret to become a traveller. Kazuma said that the only secret to become a traveller is only by hope, trust and interest on travelling.Yoona understand that Kazuma is only giving advise on how to become a traveller. Kazuma believed that Yoona will become a famous traveller someday. The old lady invited Kazuma and Yoona to her house for a cup of tea and to chit chat each other but Kazuma can't because he have to travel to Myanmar, Yoona knows how busy a traveller will be. But, since Yoona didn't have any job to do, she accepted the old lady's invitation. They chit chat each other and asked each others name. The old lady's name is Yeun Joon. Yeun Joon was a famous actress when she was 9. No wonder her face look familliar with someone. Her family name is same as Brian's. So she asked Joon "Do you have a son called Brian." Tears drop as Joon heared that name. Yoona asked "Why you cried?." Joon silent and keep crying. Joon replied sadly "Brian.. Brian.. is not lucky, he died with his father and his all other siblings when our ship was crushed to a bomb factory.. But, I managed to survive." Joon keep crying and crying. Yoona was sad to hear that. Yoona knows that Brian is still alive because she can still smell the perfume that Brian used. Honestly, Brian is still alive but the others were not. Brian lives as a lawyer in Myanmar. Brian keep dreaming about Yoona and his mother. Brian whispered to himself "How good if I can met Yoona and mom again." Yoona decided to search for Brian. Joon didn't let her because she thinks that Brian already died. Yoona didn't care. She must find her love even if that means her life. She took a flight where Kazuma were which is Myanmar. She went there to ask a help from Kazuma to be a traveller and find Brian in the same time. Kazuma said that he can help Yoona and her family. However, Yoona must wait. Yoona become Kazuma's worker. After a few years, Kazuma was already old that he achieve 80 years old. They stop by to a nearby stall and bought onigiri for their food supplies. The owner of the stall poisoned Kazuma. Kazuma died after food poisoning. The poison that the stall owner put is the death poison. Kazuma believed that Yoona will success as a traveller some day, As he died, he gave his wealth and job to Yoona. He treats Yoona like his own daughter. After 10 years of becoming a rich and successful traveller, she met Brian. Brian is still single neither do her. Both of them are now 30 years old. They married each other and already have a son and two daughters. Their children are cute and their wardrobe are full of expensive cute clothes. Brian was also rich before he married because he was a very successful lawyer. Brian and Yoona went back to Korea to apology their parents. Even so, when Yoona and Brian offered their parents to stay with them, they refused, It is because every person have their own interest that will force them to stay with their interestings forever. Since Yoona's parents likes to live and a farmer and Brian's mother likes to live as an orphan nurse, so now Yoona really understand what Traveller Kazuma meant by everythings that we wanted to do must with interest.