• Nathon Power's Journal Entry #19
    March 28, 2010

    tab There's a point in everyone's life where you feel like you've reached the very bottom of a hole. There was no way you could go down any further. And when you looked up, you realized you couldn't go up either. You were stuck, and you felt like it was going to stay that way.
    tab That's what I felt like when I stared at my dad's grave on March 28. My dad...my dad was dead. My mom...my mom was severely injured by an attempted suicide. Jenna...Jenna had her own problems, many of which I didn't even know. Jenna was just a mystery.
    tab How much more could I lose? How much more could I stand?
    tab How much farther down the hole could I go?
    tab It was raining that day. Why did that happen? Why did the rain always come when you were sad?
    tab Looking around at the rest of the funeral, I couldn't tell who was crying, couldn't tell who was sad, couldn't tell who was angry...The rain, it seemed, hid their emotions. Everything seemed to be hidden now.

    tab After the funeral, I walked up to the grave stone, and read the words on it.
    tab "Here lies Sam Powers. 1964-2010." That was all it said. There was no "an American patriot," there was no, "an inspiration to us all". I thought to myself, and then whispered to myself my own ending to the grave stone,
    tab "He lived up to his name, to the very end." I heard the grass russling behind me, and I stood up. When I turned around, I found Jenna, staring down nervously at the ground.
    tab "This rain..." she stated slowly. "It might not be very good for me."
    tab "Why's that?" When she didn't answer, I changed the subject and asked,
    tab "Do you still think he did it? Do you still think Tyler Woods is the cause of all your suffering? Do you still think he killed dad?"
    tab "I don't...I don't know what to think anymore." I stared back at the tomb stone, and muttered, more to myself than anyone,
    tab "Huh. That makes two of us." We both stood there for awhile, when Jenna said,
    tab "I heard...I heard Tyler's in custody now." I said nothing. Just continued to stare at the stone.
    tab "I don't know why he is," she went on, "but I want to go see him. I have questions to ask him. I need to know what's going on. And I...and I...
    tab "I want you to come with me. I think if both Tyler and I tell you together...I think it will be easier."
    tab "I thought you said...that you didn't want me to know."
    tab "No, I don't," she quickly replied. "But you'll find out eventually anyway. It's getter to do it now than to do it later. After all..." She paused, and said uneasily,
    tab "I don't want you to get attached to me. If it came to the fact that you did and then you learned...I don't know how you'd deal with it." I could hear her walk away, leaving to my own thoughts. I could hear my dad's words ringing in my ears.
    tab "Some things are better left...unsaid." This was one of those things. But just because it was better left unsaid didn't me it would end up like that. And I realized, then, I was running away from something that was inevitable. I had to face my fears. I had to face the truth.