• I sat on the river bank of the Sleeping Willow pond.
    The sun was starting to go down and the wind was a bit cool. Purple, pink, orange and yellow colors played in the sky as the sun set quicker. It almost seemed as if the colors were playing tag with each other as they raced across the sky. I smiled softly and kicked my my back and forth in the cool, crisp water. The wind blew once more causing all the small white and pink flowers to sway along with the trees. When the wind breath, a flower broke off it's steam and floated over the the pond. When it landed, it landed in the water causing it to ripple and tickle my feet. I giggled softly and leaned back on my hands, eyes closed, and face skyward. Everything was as calm and quiet as it would ever be and I loved it. It was moments like this I looked forward to everyday. I pulled my head forward to see the sun peeking over the horizon saying it's last fair well for the day. Then slowly it disappeared and shortly there after, there was nothing left of the sun. I sighed heavily and stood. Shaking my wet feet over the cool green grass. I slipped my shoes on and turned to walk home. I gasped when I seen him standing there behind me, leaning against one of the old oak trees. His long black hair tied at the nap of his neck, his emerald green eyes looking warmly at mine, they almost seemed to have a wanting, a need. His soft cream colored skin seemed to glow in what was now the moon light. His pink lips curved into a smile, sending shivers down my spin. His slender form tight under a black tank top and loose jeans. I looked to the ground quickly.
    "W-W-What are you doing here?" I asked.
    He pushed away from the tree and walked over to me. His lifted my chin with his index finger and thumb causing me to have no choice but to look him in the eyes.
    "I'm here to make sure you're alright mon beau papillon**."
    I pulled away from him and rubbed my arms, as I looked at the ground.
    "Would you please stop calling me that, and I'm fine. You don't have to follow me everywhere I go. It's not like we're married or dating. I don't even know you that well."
    He smiled and placed his hand on my cheek.
    "Oh but you do petit papillon.** You know more about me then you think."
    With that he dropped his hand and walked away. Leaving me there, alone in the dark, thinking about what had just happened.

    Foot note: ** Mon Beau Papillon is French for my beautiful butterfly.
    **Petit papillon is French for little butterfly