• Off into the field of death (One week later) {Chapter four}

    We were badly awoken later with Slade's gun firing into the barricade roof. We all got up in shock and fear. "Allright ladies! It's time to do what you were trained to do!"
    "Try not to vomit from the damn food?" A man said.( His name nickname was Smartass Jones )
    He was immediately sent to the isolation box, a place with no windows, dark, and barely any food. We did a drill where we all ran in a line gathering our equipment, ( Guns, vests, helmets etc. ) And all ran outside and piled into hummers and trucks. The weather was horrible in the season we were in, cold and raining. We drove 42 miles to a remote place called "Deathanso." "Gee, I wonder if it's a happy place to be." Gron said looking at a map under his coat with a flashlight. I looked at the spot he was looking at on the map. I chuckled, but a ring of terror flipped in my stomach. "Deathanso", the place ringed in my head. We were going into death field...