• A great adventure took place in hearty hills. Hearty Hills ISN'T the kind of place you want to move to. If your parents are planning to move to Hearty Hills, you have to stop them even if it costs you your life! In Hearty Hills you'll wish that you were long dead if you moved over there.
    No, I don't live in a place called Hearty Hills. This is a story about a poor kid named Mark Falster is moving to this cursed place. Well now, enough talking about Hearty Hills. I can bet you know SO MUCH where this story takes place. Well I don't like to make a new subject without finishing a paragraph.
    The Falsters were very poor. They couldn't afford the rent for the appartment so they had to move to a new house. That place was Hearty Hills. You can probably imagine why Hearty Hills was so cheap. Oh boy! I really like to make seaquals! blaugh