• I blushed deeply but then regained my composure I looked at him confused.
    “Well I only know half the story.” I said poking Dajab’s shoulder making him sway a little. He sighed and laughed lowly, and he glanced over at Angeni and leaned in near my ear, then he whispered.
    “Angeni…” Angeni had looked up and decided to stride over. I laughed as if Dajab had told a funny joke. Dajab smiled going along with it, and Angeni bought it from what I could see.
    “When are we going Alex?” I whined calling him by his American name
    “Let’s go we still have all day.” Angeni replied, then Dajab burst out laughing, and I soon joined into his endless laughter. Angeni just stared at us as we doubled over, and held our arms on each others back.
    He didn’t get it because he had missed the embarrassing conversation. Slowly my face turned red from laughing so hard. Then suddenly I heard something in the distance, I was sure that Dajab had heard it too because he stopped laughing at the same time I did, we abruptly stood up straight. Angeni hadn’t heard it obviously.
    Dajab took brisk steps towards the beginning of the incline. I followed right next to him we stood at the edge with him and stared up as the sound, short and echoing like a bullet, ricocheted again. Dajab sprinted up the hill and I followed on his heels behind him. He reached the top of the hill and stood there looking around and listening. I didn’t hear anything but I thought he did.
    “Stay JaJay.” He said calmly putting his hands on my shoulders making sure I stayed put. He turned back around swiftly moving down into trees. I looked back down the hill to Angeni.
    He looked worried but didn’t come up the slope for he knew it wouldn’t do much good. I heard the resounding shot, and I glanced over at the trees as I heard an agonizing scream that sounded exactly like Dajab.
    The wind blew and a tear dribbled down my face. All was silent for a moment I had to go down to check on him but he had told me not to leave.
    I decided it would be worth it if he was hurt. I glanced down nervously at Angeni and ran down the hill on the other side farther from him. I ran as fast as I could trying to find Dajab but being silent making sure all leaves were out of my path by keeping my arms out in front of me.
    I found Dajab unconscious on the ground, and I dropped to my knees next to him.
    I swept his long dark brown hair out of his featured face. I put my head down to his chest and listened for his heartbeat. I heard it slower than usual but it was still thudding against his chest. I sighed and looked up at the sound of a twig branching. I cringed as I saw the thug that had appeared at the lunch room with the butterfly on his shoulder, and his thugs behind him.
    I leaned down to Dajab his face smiling with pain still, and then I put my head down on his chest with my hands on his stomach. If he didn’t wake up soon I would be toast. I turned my head towards his.
    “Please wake up D, please.” I pleaded quietly to him. He groaned and moved his head turned over to the right. I turned my head back.
    “Dear, I should hope you brought the wolf? If not your friend shall not be seen again.” I gasped and shot up standing in a position to fight.
    “You do not threaten me or my friends ever again or your thugs will get it you stupid worm.” I said angrily.
    “Well deary I have heard of your powers before and I find they won’t be helping you in this case.” The thing said.
    “What are you talking about we are in my territory almost always.” I said with venom beneath my words. I felt the odd sensation of my stomach being sawed in half once more. I held my stomach and backed up a step.
    “You see the reason you are being horribly injured like this is because my minions here are cutting down your so called friends back where you come from.” The thing said with confidence. My pain was subsiding and I was going to have to get Dajab out of here. I put my hand up again and stood up straight looking once more at Dajab’s face.
    I yelled in agony as another solid blow came to my knees and I toppled to the ground. I heard Dajab groan once more quietly as my legs landed on his stomach. He opened his eyes and we made eye contact quickly and he knew exactly what to do.
    Dajab closed his eyes and waited until I was in mid-air dangling by my feet. Dajab came up feet bucking in the air in order for him to stand, and he pulled my arm swinging me out of the grip of the skinny man that had taken hold of me. He kept hold of my hand and weaved through the small forest. I looked back and we weren’t being followed so I supposed that we were safe but we continued running until we were to the top of the hill.