• The next morning, the moment I stepped out of my mom's car I barely had enough time to pull my backpack out and slip it onto my shoulders before I was attacked by Dee, Anya and Sammy.

    "Kamryn and Anthony broke up!!" They all screamed in my ears at once.

    I was dazed for a moment as I started walking toward the front steps. When the thought finally registered in my head, I spun on my heels to look at them three of them "What?!"

    Dee laughed "Anthony broke up with Kamryn this morning. We saw her walking toward the band room in tears and confronted him about it."

    I could hardly suppress the smile that was creeping across my face. "Are you sure?" I asked looking between them

    Anya nodded "He said that he was done with her, that she was continually jealous and he didn't want to deal with it anymore."

    Suddenly my face dropped "Doesn't matter..He doesn't like me." I turned around and ran up the stairs and into the school just as the bell for the passing period to begin rang.

    During band that day I had to keep my eyes on either my music or our director to prevent them from drifting to Anthony. We played through the music for our field show for the football game that week. Phantom of the Opera. I concentrated on the notes and rhythms, listening to the teacher as he helped us through the songs. When the bell rang to clean up, I put away my clarinet, cleaning it a little to carefully before placing it piece by into its case and then into my locker.

    As I put away my chair and started towards my stand, Anthony was suddenly standing next to it watching me.

    "Hey" he said. I nodded, not trusting my voice and reached for the stand. But he grabbed it before I could and our hands touched for just a brief moment.

    I pulled my hand back quickly, biting my lip as a slight blush crept across my face. I saw Anthony smile slightly and raise his eyebrow. "I'll put this away" he raised the stand up a bit then walked away to the rack.

    I turned around, feeling eyes on my back. Sure enough, Dee and Nate stood off in the corner by Dee's locker. Nate was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, looking bored. But Dee had a hand over her mouth, trying to keep herself from laughing. I glared at her, suspecting she had something to do with this.

    When Anthony came back he was still smiling. "So, I heard you and Kamryn broke up" I said
    trying to keep my face straight.

    He nodded, as if it was no big deal. "Yeah" he shrugged "I guess we just weren't meant for each other"

    "I'm sorry to hear that" I said not meeting his eyes. How much I wish I could tell him, tell him just how much I love him, how much I wish he would ask me out and love me too. But wishes hardly ever come true.

    "Eh, no big deal. So you going to Dee's party this weekend?"

    "Of course!" I said "Her Quince is gonna be so much fun!"

    Dee was half Hispanic, her mother was a full blooded Norwegian. Anthony laughed. "A Quince for a half white Lutheran girl, that'll be something "

    "Yea" I said, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning against a stack of chairs.

    Just then the bell rang. Anthony picked up his backpack and looked at me "See you around" Smiling a bit, I nodded.

    Before he was even out the door, Dee was at my side. "So?" She asked looking at me with a devious smirk on her face.

    "So...I hate you" I said only half joking "Oh no you don't. You love me!" she responded, putting her hands on her hips and smiling at me. Rolling my eyes I headed for the door, Dee and Nate following behind.

    Dee filled Anya and Sammy in on what had happened as we sat on our usual bench out in the quad. "He practically asked her to my Quince" she laughed, draping her arm over my shoulders.

    "No he didn't" I snapped pushing her arm off. "He just talked to me, that's it. Nothing more.."

    Dee patted my shoulder "Whatever you say" she said sarcastically.

    If she was going to play this game. So was I. "So Dee" I said, leaning on her shoulder "Hows things with Nate?"

    She quickly glanced towards where he and his friends were sitting just a few tables down. Nate was sitting on top of it, talking to the guys. "SHUSH!!" Dee hissed swatting at me. I laughed "You asked for it"

    Anya nodded "You did Dee,"

    Dee crossed her arms over her chest and sat down on the bench, pouting. Anya and Sammy looked at her then to me. I just rolled my eyes. "Oh come one Andrea, you know how much you LOVE him" I mocked, putting my hand to my chest.

    "Fine, fair enough, I'll stop"

    "Good" I sat down and and took a bite of my sandwich.

    The rest of the day passed quickly, I didn't have a chance to talk to Anthony in class because we had a test. But then the rest of the week passed, each day passing by. Anthony continued to talk to me, just some random conversations here and there.

    Finally it was Friday. Dee's Quince would be the next day and everything would change.