• Azula sat under the shade of an old tree with Ty lee close beside her. This was not something the princess of the fire nation would normally do but for some reason she had decided to humor her bubbly friend and go along with her idea of a picnic between the two of them.
    "Oh look Azula! Doesn't that cloud look just like rabbit!?" cried Ty lee excitedly, pointing out an oddly shaped cloud that to Azula, look nothing in comparison to a rabbit.
    Azula sighed "You're not serious are you?" she said in her usual bored tone.
    Ty lee giggled "Azula you need to lighten up" she said resting her head on Azula's shoulder and looking up at her.
    Azula looked at the girl, barely hiding her surprise. She wasn't used to such physical gestures and for some reason she felt the need to smile at the expression on Ty lee's face. She held it back.

    Ty lee loved teasing the socially retarded princess. The way Azula reacted was always in a way of shock or surprise and Ty lee could tell just how hard Azula tried to cover it.
    She smiled to herself and closed her eyes "mmm... You're such a nice pillow Azula" she muttered lazily.
    Azula blushed slightly at the cuteness of the girl. For some reason Azula always found herself blushing or smiling recently when the pink acrobatic did something rather stupid or cute.
    Ty lee felt a sudden drowsiness overcome her "I really like you Azula" she said sleepily.
    Azula felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment. "Yes... Well, obviously" she said trying to cover her awkwardness.
    Ty lee chuckled, getting the reaction she had wanted. She could be just as cunning as the princess. She yawned before letting herself fall into a light sleep whilst leaning on Azula's side.
    Azula looked down at her sleeping friend and without noticing a small soft smile caught her lips. She gently reached out and touched Ty lee's hand. "I really like you too..." she whispered, resting her head on Ty lee's.