• Torn from what was her inner journey, to her inner plane, by her body. Useless. That one word resounded through her mind. The others were'nt blind like her, not seeing into the other planes. No one else understood what it was like. Frustration. How could she not let it effect her, the crawling notion that.... was it really real? Am i that insane?
    This haunting plauge seeped into her mind daily. However another punishment went to tow, with her plauge. Living this distortion of reality. Pretending everythin was normal, she was normal, she was human. It was like a child finding a spider, slowly tearing the legs for the creatures body, just to see how it works. It then screaming its silent cry for help. Being left high and dry, alone in the choas that was the deceit.
    So it began, the mobile sang its lament, she knew what it meant. A pull. Her hand reached for it, and the voice sethed 'come round, time to play..' Never was there a choice, you can never refuse. It was a pull, something that burned the mind.
    Inside the catalyst, that was the human body. After all, that is all the body was for. Slowly pushing out the filth that was the human soul, that is was born to the body. The demon contemplated, how something that had survived and fought in the War of the Children back at the beginning of this world. Had it come to where it was today. She had yet to have her revenge. The ringing of her blade, a song that had not been sung in millions of years. Countless lives had been ended by it undying lust. She stared into the Pool, saw the madness. And reveled in the bloodshed from eons ago. To feel the adrenalin, the ecstasy, to feel that power you gain from holding another beings life in you hand.
    Then her eyes were drawn, to across the raping of life. Silence broke out, the stained storm ridden clouds began breaking out into portals. Earth itself shrieked as is flesh was shredded open. The Harvest began. Like a dance they played, for the souls of the cursed and sainted. There were more tormented Furies, than the honor bound Valkyries. Talon's exert there power deep into the chests of their prey. What was once the liquid of life, cascade off the armour and arm of the Furies of torment. Each bound to those they devoured, taking in the residue essences, power. It was then, he stood there. His scarlet, lidless eyes glowed in the gloom, and his broad smile was triumphant. Suddenly, an underlying force, grabbed every Valkyrie from sight. In his eyes, she saw. The pain gripped her, was like her soul was torn in two.
    The cycle began again, her memory obliterated...