• chapter 1 turning

    Ok to day at school was the most terrifing day of my life mabey even EVER, but mostly after school. I was walkingdown the street when a guy in an old ford pulled up to me "hay kid want some candy?" "oh come on thats the oldest trick in the book." i half yelled at him "so i got some"he started giving me a look i didnt like. I got steamed " listen you suck at kidnapping do leave me alone!!" I yelled really loud."thats it" he muddered. suddenly i was in a brown huge backpack or...so it seemed. He zipped the top and started the ford. about an hour later or i dont know mt phone died befor i could call for help...tipical. finally the roar of the old ford died away and the backpack or whatever it was, was lifted on what seemed like a steel cart. I herd a little girls voice screaming to let her go and the cart shook with her tantrum.I knew he wouldnt let us go so i just sayed put. A little while later he ploped us down on a cart of some kinda thingy. then droped us down on rock and closed a cage door. I sighed and started struggleing to get out. When i got out i went to work on the little girl out, but befor i could get to her the bag turned to ash. "whoa!!" i sceamed"dont worrie i wont hurt you" a small but determaned voice said." how did you do that"
    "The guy that took us, his name is Dr. Seerin and hes like a mad scincetist or somthing. He wants to make a world were he rules and we make sure he rules by fear, so he is giving us powers." she said looking deflated " what are your powers" i asked looking down "fire flying and i read minds" she didnt even skip a beat "he is one of us to, he has been doing this for a long time."she took a deep breath "i get powers too?" she nodded " oh goody" she smiled "good luck you'll need it cause here he comes"
    i looked at him while he handcuffed me he was a short man growing to be bald. he walked me though a maze oh hallways,though doble doors and into a room that looked like a little sick girl lived in here it had an inviting bed the walls we lined with flowers, but the desk was like a potable docters office. The doc took of the handcuffs and said " get some sleep you'll need it" i laid down and slowly creaped into a deep sleep.
    i woke with a start and saw Dr.Seerin coming at me with needles a blue crap in side then "s**t" i muttered i hate needles!oh god help me i said over and over in my head im not going to like this. then he turned and came at me like...well like a mad scinentist and stuck me with the needle. My arm became numb i was losing my vision and i couldnt't but scream my brains out. And it continued like that until i couldn't take it and my eyes rolled in the back of my head. Then i was falling in a dark void till i came to the place were he took me. and i just wanted to go home. I looked up and it started to rain, i thought that the light california rain would wash me away and let me forget all that happened, but the rain was warm and felt unnatrale dripping on my skin. i hated it. "DUDE dude wake up! hello please make it,wake up!!" "AHH" !!SLAP!! "OW!" I took in a breath there was a red hand print on her face "oh i'm so sorry" i yelped. "thats ok we at least know what your first power is SUPER STREANGTH" she said flyinf like superman. " by the way im Baily whats your name" she said coming back down on the floor " um hi im Izaly" i muttered "but called me IZ" i added quickly all of a sudden she yelled " HAY IZ THINK FAST " i looked up and saw a huge knife coming at me. my eyes widened when my hand sot out and grabed the spinning knife " sweet i was right you have speed." then she floated up and said " jump to me........NOW!!" i jumped and almost smashed into the ciling upbove. Baily smiled, i rolled my eyes. then she pushed me into the wall and gasped when i went though it. i quickly jumped back " she tackled me to the ground " dont tell anyone" she said though persed lips. i nodded. "well now that we know what your powers are lets go to the training room" the who and what now " i said she giggled.