• Journal Entry: June 6th, 1944.

    D-Day...that's what they call it?! that's probably the second worst name I've heard...besides Nazi. So, the higgens boats are waiting for us, and I've got to keep my men alive long enough for the other soldiers to establish a stronghold and bunker down...what fun.

    ~End of entry~

    We went across the english Channel and after a whlie, we saw the shores of france...and immediatly, the German Mortar placements began firing on us...after five minutes of Hell, we made it close enough to get out and took shelter behind the Metal barriers, me and my best friend Jim Mccardle picked off the Germans manning the turrets and the mortar emplacements were being destroyed by our own ship-board mortars. "This isn't going to work, John!" Jim shouted, just as he turned, a stray shot caught him and he grunted...the bullet caught him in the side of the head and he groaned, dropping, he was obviously dead, so I ran like Hell, dodging a couple grenades, I caught up with a group called Fox. I stayed with them until I made a wrong turn and was caught by a couple of Axis soldiers, and they knocked me out.

    I woke up and I was in a hospital near my hometown called St. Mary's...but, wait....I was just in France when I was knocked out, right? I looked around and it seemed so unfamiliar...my family was gathered in the room, smiling as they saw me awake. I realized this was strange... The event was so Vivid I had practically felt the bullets wizzing past me as I went along...what? My name's not John...It's Nick...I've never heard of a John in my family. I shook my head and heard my mom say something like 'welcome home' and I was confused. I learned from the Colonel on my right that me and him were the only two survivors of an entire Squadron of Army soldiers. We were in Romania searching the forests for something but we were attacked my some wolves. I had flashes of a huge, black wolf with grey eyes that stood on it's hind legs and began batting soldiers aside...but I didn't say anything. My left shoulder all the way to my wrist was wrapped in bandages and I tested it, feeling stitches pull all along my arm and then some more on my chest. I looked myself over..The major injury was the load of stitches along my arm apparently was from the 'pack' of wolves we met during the mission. My age? It's 18..Why did we Go to Romania? A secret project codenamed 'moonlit warriors' We were to capture a wolf of immense size that could stand on it's hind legs, but we couldn't catch him. He proved too strong for us and slaughtered all but me and Michael. I looked at a load of things on the chair beside my hospital bed and noticed them as get well gifts..I shifted through them and found a leather pouch from an anonymous donor..I opened the pouch and pulled out a necklace with two things strung on it...two wolf fangs with the points curved towards each other, and I set it around my neck and it rested right on my broad chest, not far from my heart.