• "Come on! Lets go!" Greg whispered harshly as he grabbed Penny's wrist.
    Penny obediently followed, not that she had much choice, he was holding onto her as they ran. His dark, wavy brown hair bounced around as they sped through the hall. Penny, on the other hand, had to conceal her hair because it was a light brown that reflected the dim moonlight and would give away their position.
    They were in a bank hold-up, running from the kidnappers. They had come prepared, at least Greg had. Penny was still in training. There job was to capture and disarm the kidnappers without getting any of the other hostages hurt or killed, however, the kidnappers were more violent then they had expected. They had already fired at the police and threatened the hostages with tear gas.
    Greg and Penny slowed as they got to the stairway. They went down the first flight, then turned and bounded down the second flight. A gunshot fired from behind them, hitting the last step and narrowly missing Penny's heel. Greg was using his PDA to figure out where they should go next. The map displayed on his screen showed most rooms with red X's, meaning they were locked, but one room had a green X and it was right before a hall. Going into this room could confuse the man pursuing them long enough for them to prepare a trap.
    Their pursuer fell for the trick! Penny and Greg were hiding safely in the office room. Since the hall their pursuer had run down was very short and led to a dead end, Greg threw a pen continuing down the main hallway. The pursuer ran to the area where the pen had landed, then he tried opening all the doors down the hall. Meanwhile, Penny had been searching for something in the room that could be used to knock out their kidnapper. She grabbed a paper weight, a scale, and a little statue and presented the items to Greg.
    Greg looked around for anything better. The statue and paper weight would probably break if they hit the kidnapper with them, but they would be most effective at least, possibly giving the kidnapper shock and a headache. The scale had a sharp edge on the bottom, but none of these items could really knock the man out. Greg knew that with his strength and reflexes he could hit the kidnapper with the paper weight or statue and then use his enemy's shock to get a hold of the gun. But he didn't know what Penny was capable of. She was the newest trainee with the organization. He knew she had done exceptionally well to get here but he hadn't seen her in action yet. He decided he'd trust his reflexes for now and took the paper weight and statue from Penny, then motioned for her to stand behind next to the door.
    They saw the kidnapper's faint shadow coming under the door. The door opened slowly, Greg and Penny held their breathe. As soon as Greg saw the man's head he smashed the statue into it. When the man bent over in pain and stumbled into the room, Greg smashed the paper weight into the base of the kidnapper's neck. The man collapsed on the floor, his neck bleeding from the glass shards of the broken paper weight. Greg grabbed the man's gun and dagger. Penny tied and gagged the man quickly, one man down, two to go.
    "We have to get back to the hostage room, but we should get some more weapons first." Greg looked down at his PDA to see if any other rooms were open on this floor. None were, but Greg didn't want to risk going upstairs again, the enemy would have a big advantage with their guns.
    Penny stood up to look around. She spotted a vent in the corner opposite the door. It was a ceiling vent, making it very difficult to get in to, but it would probably connect them to all the other rooms. She moved the desk chair directly under the vent. Greg followed her, they talked with their eyes, and he made sure she didn't fall while standing on the wheelie-chair. He handed her the screwdriver, Penny worked quickly to get the cover off. When the cover was off she sprayed the entrance with hairspray to check for infrared sensors. None showed up.
    Penny got off the chair so Greg could get on. They allowed the chair to go as high as it could so Greg could reach the entrance easier. Greg used the top of the chair back to reach, but he still needed help getting up. Penny moved the chair out from under him then grabbed his feet to hoist him up. They moved quickly and quietly. Greg turned around in the vent so he could lift up Penny. It was a slower process, Greg had to move backward quietly and slowly so as to not make noise and give themselves away, but soon Penny was far enough in the vent to pull herself up.
    Greg turned back around and led them through the vents. The first room they came to had no visible objects that would be useful weapons. The next room, however, had a man in it. Greg looked closely and noticed the man had a gun and a detonator on his belt. Greg pulled back as the man turned to look around. Then he quickly forced Penny back down the vent. They went almost all the way back to the room they came from before Greg turned around to talk to her.
    "This is way more serious than we thought. There's a man in that room with a detonator to a bomb somewhere in this building." Greg whispered.
    "There was a man in there?" Penny stated more than asked
    "What? I just said..."
    "How did he get in?" Penny made her point more clear.
    Greg realized what she meant. The only way the man could have gotten in their was through the vent! The two quickly looked behind eachother to see if anyone was there. No one. They went straight for the open vent they came through to get out, then they put the cover back on so no one would suspect they had been there. They went to a corner that was hidden from view of the vent by a bookshelf so they could talk.
    "I'm going to call base to see what our next move is." Greg stated, "You find out what the situation is outside."