• Tonight, I'll reach again for her butterfly I'll wake up to cold wrapping his arms around me. I'll see things crawling from the darkest corners of my room toward me, screaming at me to die. Tonight, I'll feel just as much pain as last nights, or the night before that, all the way to the day when you left. I'll dream of your smile, wake up in tears. I'll dream of your voice, and wake up to silence. I'll dream of you, and I'll again, wake up to the empty room that your angelic light no longer fills. Tonight, I'll cry harder than yesterday. Tonight, I'll see only black as I cry myself to sleep staring at the empty ceiling. Tonight, I'll die a little bit more inside. Tonight...is another day in hell. My angel, my light, my guidance to purity is gone, and all that stands are the figures in the night. Tonight, they will grab hold, and rip out all of my insides, spreading my broken heart all over this lonely word. Tonight...I die a little more inside.