• Her hand slid over his, softly, just brushing it as she reached for a book. She blushed lightly, pink tinting her cheeks. He smiled at her and handed her his book, stealing her heart in a second. After class He hovered at the door, dissappearing just as she got there. She lay in bed that night, remembering the feel as her skin grazed his.

    She saw him the next morning in the Cafeteria... By the time she got there, he was gone. She searched all morning, just wanting to say hello. He was gone. He wasn't in school that day, at least not that she saw. She asked around, but no one knew where he had gone. She went to bed that night feeling unsettled.

    She went to class with circles under her eyes. She'd been awake all night trying to recall every detail. She sat in her desk and was over joyed when he sat next to her, smiling almost sadly. She tried to talk to him but couldn't find her voice. She spent all class looking at him. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and left, looking troubled. She went home and cut away that lock of hair, putting it in a locket and wore it around her neck.

    She went to school and found him there, going into the bathroom. She waited for him in class, but he never showed. She cried as she got home, falling asleep on her pillow. This was the first of her dreams.

    He was there. She reached for him, knowing that he could make her happy, that he could take her pain. He pushed her away and dissappeared, not making a sound. She awoke and realised she'd never heard him speak. She figured it must be the sweetest sound.

    She went to school the next day, determined to make him speak. She found him sitting on his own, staring at her sadly. She walked up to him. "I love you." She said, blushing gently. He shakes his head sadly and takes her arm. She smiles as he touches her, feeling her skin prickle as he did.

    "Not now." Was all he said, walking away. He wasn't in class that day. She lay in bed, day dreaming about him, not doing her homework. When she finally fell asleep again, She had the same dream, only now she knew his voice. To her, that was the voice of an angel.

    He sat in her chair in class that day, and she sat in his lap. His arms around her waist was all she could feel, all she wanted to feel. He held her all day, walking with her, taking her home. He lay with her that night, whispering once more "Not now."

    They did that every day, starting the day together. Ending the day together. Every night he whispered softly in her ear "Not now." One night, about a month later, she looked at him, before she fell asleep. She leaned over to kiss him and saw herself on a hospital bed. He pulled away, whispering "Not now."

    She stopped going to school. It didn't matter anymore. He was all she needed. She didn't eat or really sleep anymore. She just stayed in his arms and smiled. No matter what, he was sad. She knew he loved her, but he was still sad. She asked him why he was sad. He simply said "Not now."

    She slid her hand up his shirt, smiling at him. He sighed and finally smiled. He leaned forward and kissed her. She saw, once more the hospital scene, but lost herself in his kiss. She saw, barely, them cutting the life support. She fell into darkness. He'd finally taken her pain. They lay together under a maple tree, drifting into forever. That kiss lasting forever.