• Blurr stood there and sighed, "There's something you need to know. A long time ago on Cybertron there were many more horses like Casper. They were said to have the ability to find Mini-cons. Sadly we never bothered them, but the Decepticons were using her herd as game and training. Casper and 5 others have escaped the Decepticons but Casper was only 3 weeks her mother was killed. Soon after war broke out over the Mini-cons. Casper was the only one left. At 5 weeks she had no clue what was going on. Scared she ran from all the gun fired at her direction. Thinking the Decepticons were coming to kill her, she went into hiding. But soon news got to the Decepticons that there was 1 left. Desperate they went after that final horse. They came close to finding her." He paused and banged his fist against the wall. "If she just kept quiet then she would be a trouble maker. The Decepticons raised her as a trouble maker. I tried hard to break that when I found her alone. But I haven't been successful. Now they want her back because she knows where the Mini-cons are. See Alexis that's why she ran off. Her job is to find the Mini-cons." Blurr stopped talking and walked away. "Man Alexis you have to find her and apologize to her." Carlos said. "And we'll help!" Brade said.

    Casper looked back one more time before she left the Autobots for good. "I don't need them. I don't need anyone! I can take care of myself!" She reared up and galloped off. Hoping that she could use her talent for something else she planed on that but I never came true. Her plan ended when a rope-like-chain flew around her neck. "What's going on!" She neighed loudly. She screamed and threw her body every which way. The rope-like-chains kept coming. "Stop it now!" she screamed to the heavens. The chains pulled her to the ground. Not wanting to give up the fight she stood up and fought more. Soon she was pulled to the ground again, she never got up. "We got this mustang mare." a man said. Soon Casper found herself in a tiny stall. "What's going on!" she screamed "Where's Blurr!" she was thrashing. "What's going on!? Cool the mare down!" a man shouted. Chains flew over her neck again soon she couldn't rear up. "Let me go!" She screamed again. She thrashed over and over again till her energy died. "She's all right now, she's just scared." the man said again.

    Casper didn't want to get in trouble again so she followed everyone that led her from her box. "Okay girl your gonna be a Bucking Bronco" A man said petting her "Throw all the people off who get on you." A metalic tube was put in her mouth, she didn't move. A saddle was placed on her back and tighten, she still didn't move. "I think she's lame." a boy said. The man leading her replied "No she's just holding her energy for the ring." The man led Casper to a metal box. Casper lifed her head when she heard screams and yelling. Wanting to look over the box she did. She reared up but only in joy that she was getting out of that box. The crowed stopped cheering. The metal gate opened and out flew Casper and a new man on her back. Thrashing as hard as she know she could the man stayed on. She ran for a wall the smaked his leg into that wall. She reared up and fell over. She knew she has won. She spun out to make sure he wasn't on his back. Looking over her shoulder she saw the man get up and pull a gun out. "What are you doing!" she neighed. A bullet was fired and hit Casper in the leg. Casper fell in pain. "I'm going to kill you and you better like it!" The man said. Casper's trainer and police came to grab the man. A vet ran to Casper to look at the wound. "It's not bad. Not bone damage or anything." she said. Watching from a TV Brad saw Casper. "CASPER! Guys we need to get Optimus Prime ,Red Alert, and Blurr" Brad ran to Highwire. Casper was in to much pain to stand up. Knowing she is lame she would never be used again.

    Late at night Casper was put outside so she could get fresh air. "Casper" Carlos whispered. Caspered neight loudly. "I found her she's in here. Back the trailer up Prime we're gonna load her up but be careful guys." Carlos said. Casper tried to stand up but fell. "Casper" Blurr said "This is where you end up at." Blurr picked her up and put her in the trailer. "Don't worry you'll be home in no time." Blurr said. Casper nickered "Thankyou". Casper wanted to cry because her true friend's have came to get her. As the trailer moved out Casper's leg started to burn badly. Casper neighed loudly but shock the pain off.