• Forever Lost

    “Mummy! Mummy! Look what I can do!!!” I focused my gaze on the marbles on the table in front of me. I felt the world heat up and the edges of my eyes go red and then BAM! The marbles moved! “Very good sweetie.” My mum knelt down and kissed me on the head. I squealed in delight and then ran out of the dorms and into the yard, Mummy like staying inside on her own sometimes, so she wouldn’t mind. I saw Toby, my best friend, leaning against the wall, looking up at the men with guns who kept us all safe (Mummy told me that, because she knows I‘m clever enough to understand). He was just standing there! Acting all cool! Well he wasn’t cool, not at all. I’ll show him! “Toby! I’m gonna blow you up now, watch out!” I stared at him, harder, harder, HARDER!!! “I hate you Toby!” I screamed. “You won’t blow up!” He laughed and walked over, still acting all cool, what was that word Mummy had told me he did? Um… sauntering! That’s what he was doing! When he finally finished his stupid walking thing, he ruffled my hair. I glared at him again, and he laughed. “Nice try Faye Faye, but not good enough.”
    “I’ll blow you up some day, and then you won’t be so happy!”
    “No, I guess I won’t be doing anything if I’m dead.”
    “Hate you!” I screamed again. I heard him laughing as I ran back inside.

    “What are the latest stock market figures?” My father said in a bored voice. I tuned out as that stupid assistant of his replied. Honestly, I didn’t understand why Father kept such bone idle and downright stupid people around the place. He needed someone smart and loyal and innocetive, no, it’s innovative. Someone like me. “And don’t forget to send the invitations to the guests. We don’t want my sons’ birthday to be a solely family affair do we?” He said, finally turning to look at me. “We want him introduced to the world.”
    “Yes Sir, of course Sir,” the assistant intoned. What a waste of space. He hurried off to do some meaningless task.
    “Remember son,” Father said, clapping me on the back. “One day the familys’ reputation and stance in the world will be yours to uphold.”
    “Yes Father,” I replied quickly. My Father was a very busy man.
    “You say yes SIR when you are in this house and outside of it, and don’t you forget that!” Father suddenly boomed, turning his steely grey eyes on me, and I felt myself go all shivery and cold inside. I was scared, Father could be mean sometimes. No, I must not think that. Father is a great man, and one day I will become just like him.
    “Yes Sir, sorry Sir,” I said in as clear a voice as I could manage.
    “Good, now go to your room and do your studying,” he said. He had already turned to talk to another assistant when he was saying this, and he didn’t even notice when I walked away. As I walked I wondered about my Father, amid other, more important things, but two thoughts stuck out.
    When was Father going to call me by my name?
    When was he going to call me Curtis?