• September 2, 2009
    Went looking for information on my newest case. Boy was kidnapped young, innocent, he shouldn’t be roped into this. His father owned a oil plant making millions and some one wanted a cut. Why must we all suffer for the sins of the father? I am following a small lead it has taken me to James William the slim bag had worked for the old man a slithered his way into their lives to steal the kid and make his fortune. But he won’t get away not if I have any thing to say about it. Arrive at the house its dark but I can see he’s here and he’s not expecting visitors. I kick in the door and duck into the shadows. “Whose there?” James calls his voice shaking with fear. He approaches the door gun in his hand and closes it then I make my move I lunge from the shadows and tackle him to the ground I then dislocate his shoulder so he drops the gun and is writhing in pain so he doesn’t escape. I grab him by the neck and see the fear in his eyes I use it to my advantage “WHERE IS HE!” I scram only adding to the terror the man feels. “W-what boy” James stutters. “YOU KNOW WHO I WANT! WHERE IS HE!?” I yell James shakes with fear and nods. “I’ll take you to him.”
    I am led to a shack outside and James unlocks the door with the gun I took from James I nudge him forward. The shacks interior is nothing more then a table on a rug and a few glasses of beer. James moves forward I point the gun at him and say “No funny business where is he.” He nods and he walks to a table he flips the table and removes the rug underneath is a trapdoor leading even deeper. “Open it.” He pulls the chain and lifts the door. And we descend into the dimly lit corridor into the unknown.
    The boy is there sitting in a cage alive and asleep. I see the steady rise and fall of his chest, he is safe, and I relax. First mistake! James was ready for my reaction all that fear when he saw me was an act. James Head butted me and I fell back a red stain formed under my mask a new ink blot to match my old ones. I drop the gun and James picks it up and lowers his aim to me. I have to think fast precious seconds tick by and I roll out of range under a table as the first shot is fires I then over turn the table to make a shield from the bullets two more shots hit the table but it holds. I am running out of time. Pick up a knife as a better mean to defend myself but it won’t do much against a gun. I then hear footsteps James is getting closer. I quickly formulate a plan grabbing all the horrid shack would provide. I guess I had gotten lucky one of the gluttonous men who resided in this shack had not finished their beer. I quickly took the scraps of paper to make a makeshift Molotov Cocktail. I threw the grenade and it erupted into flame though not hitting James stunning him enough for me to lunge and stab him in the arm causing him to drop his gun. I then cut his torso and another stab in the stomach for added effect. There lies James on the floor bleeding. I make my way through the burning shack to the boy the boy has awoken by now he is scared. I assure him that I am here to help and he seems to relax but then he tenses up I turn to see why James is standing he is swaying and pale from blood loss he looks down the sight if his gun and fires I wait for the bullet but it never comes the bullet flies by me and strikes the kid he is dead before he hit the ground. I go to James who is still alive laughing. I snap so I pick James up and look him in the eye. He laughs harder like a maniac and I’ve had enough I snap his neck. The sound to the squeamish my be sickening but to me it is a bitter sweat symphony played on a violin crafted from James’ bones. I bring the boy to his father and lie him on his bed. Why must we all suffer from the sins of the father.