• tab I sat on the chair silently, nursing a cup of blood. The stale liquid was barely enough to satisfy me, but I denied the alternative. Even though the dark night called to me, promising the Hunt, i stared out the window. The moon was a silver crescent in an ebony sky, ghosting along the treetops in the far distance.
    tab My body shuddered, craving sustenance. I shove my hands in my short, dark curls and drop the cup. I watch distantly as the blood soaks into the carpet, blooming red against tan. My hands shape into talons and my throat burns with thirst. The last time I hunted humans was several months ago. Several damned cursed months that taunted me now.
    tab My senses rested on the streets beyond, busy with meager human nightlife. Each smell wrapped around my nose with a swirl of heat and spice. I shifted and tucked my black boot clad legs underneath me, huddled in my long Victorian coat.
    tab I would not go out there. The coven swore off hunting, saying it drew too much attention, that the people we took would be missed and their deaths looked into. Acceptance was a given, you did not argue with Lucius. My mind traveled back to the day he told me.
    tab “Mercy, the humans grow suspicious. They look at our house on the hill and they think, ‘What inhabits that place, who lives there?’ Our coven will not stay hidden if we continue to hunt, if we continue to leave proof.”
    tab “But Lucius!” I protested. “How will we survive without the Hunt? We will surely do ourselves in before the humans even get the hint of a notion in their head!”
    tab “Enough, child. I am the father of this house, and I will not leave my children to starve. Blood without the deaths of the humans has been stored away for many years in my chambers. I anticipated the day we could not live side by side as we do.” Lucius’s cold grey eyes stared into my blue ones, commanding obedience. “Now leave me.”

    tab I shook my head angrily, and gazed out the window with longing. Safety for our people is important, but the sacrifice hung in my gut and rested in my throat. I inhaled sharply to clear my head, then froze.
    tab A deep scent traveled through the air, so thick and rich that the blood seemed to whisper my name. My excitement grew, as did my bloodlust. I traced the scent, tracking to one person, one man. And he was mine.
    tab I jumped through the window, my coat whipping out behind me. I landed on my feet, back straight, breathing deeply. Then I ran. I moved quickly from rooftop to rooftop, the chill night air breezing through my hair. My throat was in flames and my common sense gone. Only the darkness shielded me from prying eyes.
    tab Lucius should’ve anticipated this. The cold blood with no human warmth could never sustain us. I prepared for a long jump with no thought, just flying over it and rolling to my feet. A few seconds later, I perched on the elaborate carving of a church, watching.
    tab I saw him- tall and tan, with tousled bronze hair. He looked strong, but was no match for vampire strength. I inhaled and trembled with the exquisite scent of his blood. My muscles rolled and tensed, and venom filled my mouth. With a silent jump, I dropped to the ground in front of him.
    tab With incredible speed, I had him in a dark and empty alley, a pale hand clasped gently over his mouth. His dark brown eyes were full of confusion and fear. I studied his face from under long lashes, my hunger burning me.
    tab “Beautiful man,” I whispered. “You look almost as good as you smell.” I pressed my nose to his soft throat, and smiled. His hot blood pulsed steadily. My brow furrowed when I scented again. He smelt like honey, leather, and raw meat.
    tab My fangs extended, pulling on my gums. My stomach tensed and my hunger took hold of me. Bloodlust rested in my throat and I moaned at the near pain of it. With a soft word, I bit.
    tab Hot, searing blood filled my mouth. I drank heavily, holding him as he started to slump. I tried to stop. I didn’t want to, but I tried. My animal instincts wouldn’t let up, but his blood consoled my confusion. He made a noise of pain and I stroked his neck. The blood.
    tab “Mercy!” I whipped around to see Lucius and Dmitri, fangs extended and furious.