• It was a cold October night as he sat alone once again. His friends ventured home with their boy or girlfriends’ all couples except for him. He was unable to find a girlfriend, not one close that is. All the long distance relationships failed and they all took their toll on his heart. With a bleeding heart he began to walk with the heaviness of his loneliness making him sluggish in his stride. He found a park, thus sitting on a bench and sighing. He sat at the bench for what felt like forever thinking, wishing, dreaming. He held his hands together and closed his eyes doing something he rarely does... Pray, "God.... I know we don't see eye to eye, I know I'm not your biggest fan and, sometimes I don't think your mine but, I wanna ask you and whomever else that has the power to help. Will you help me find love, not love in family and friendship, I have plenty of that and I'm thankful for it but.... A lover, someone to hold on to. Someone to share my romance with. Someone to wake up for?" he spoke out loud. He never was one for religion "That’s all I will ask for. I have health and That’s better then wealth. But I would give up and health and wealth I have to find the person that can think of me as more then a friend.... Thank you to whom ever is listening to this lonely soul... Goodbye for now. Amen." He stood, wiped his watery eyes and began to walk home.

    Entering his home he moved up the stairs gathering clothing. Not noticing the other person in his room, he pulled off his shirt and headed to take a shower, tear drops falling from his chin as he exited the room. Taking his quick shower he got out about 10 minutes later, dried off and brushed his hair and teeth, his normal routine of loneliness. His hands slowly put his shoulder length hair into a pony tail and he headed for his room after pulling his pajama pants on. He held the white T shirt in his hand as he entered the room. Now in a clear state of mind he noticed her, tilting his head "I know you... but from where?" he asked as he lazily pointed toward her. She smiled "Well I know its been a while but, you'd think you would remember me. I'm mean, the last time we spoke I had shorter hair." she hinted for him. She grinned "Mitch you lost weight," she stated "You've changed so much since seventh grade." His eyes opened wide and he damn near fell "Chri... Christy?" he questioned, she nodded "Told you. You would remember me." He smiled softly "It's been a long time. What have you been up to?" he asked as he sat in a rolling chair across from her and pulled on his T shirt. Her smile weakened, "I've been better. I haven’t been accepted into a college yet. My mom is getting pissy because she thinks I'm putting my band before my education." she sighed and looked around, "You've improved your art skills I see." She looked back to him.

    "That’s a bummer I'm trying to get a job just to help me get into the college I'm trying to get into. Cool your in a band.... I wish I could play guitar or something but it just doesn’t capture me like art did. Yeah I've been working hard on it. I'm still not a good technical artist but, if I put feeling into it I end up with something good." He stated looking at her.

    She bit her lip and looked at the panting that showed love "I like that one. Is the emotion supposed to be love?" She looked at him.

    "Yeah but, That’s old I haven't felt that kind of love in a while." He looked down and picked up the sketch book next to him, "This has more resent photos... the n***s are just practice but the one right after them is what I've been feeling."

    She flipped through and nodded "You have gotten better, much be.." she stopped when she got to the last picture "So this is why you where crying when you came in... You feel sad, why?" He sat like the figure and sighed, "I... I'm alone... Everyone has someone and, I'm left feeling like the third wheel." He said looking at her. She looked at him and smiled "It will work out. You'll find someone." Mitch looked at her not cracking a smile or anything. "I'm sorry but, I've been told that so many times I'm not so sure anymore." He thought back to when he met Christy and smiled "Wow. I had a flash back of when we met.... I had a huge crush on you. I mean you were cool and kind. My first friend in this damn state," he said and looked at her surprised and blushing of all things. "Are you surprised I had a crush on you? I thought it was obvious." She laughed and smiled "Oh Mitch, it was obvious but, I also had a crush on you. Not for your looks but, you where shy and kind. The shyness was cute." She giggled and looked at him. "I'm not as shy as I was then but, I still am a little shy" he said as he smiling as he looked at her.

    He stood and found a scrap picture. She wrote down her cell and home phone numbers, and all her other information and set it down. "Well, Mitch I have to be heading out. Mom will be nagging if I'm late again." Mitch jumped up and hugged her. "I've became a hugy guy Christy." He smiled and quickly wrote down his information and handed it to her. "Please keep in touch, Christy." She smiled after hugging him and, taking his information, she walked out of his room and left his home as he followed her out and waved, "Talk to you later." He said as she waved back smiling and nodded.

    Mitch walked back into the house and up to his room. Crawling into bed, he smiled as he fell asleep. Dreamless he was, until morning, when he had a dream of someone crawling in next to him and wrapping their arm around him.

    Waking up slowly he groaned, a soft smile still on his face. Opening his eyes he saw that his dream was just that a dream. He got out of bed. Walking into the bath room he brushed his teeth and hair before returning to his room and picking out cloths he wanted to wear. He got dressed in his Judas Priest T shirt and black cargo pants. Looking out his window he smiled. Finding Christy's number and information, he got onto his computer and added her to his MSN Messager. He smiled seeing she was on, messaging her he typed "Hi how are you?" After a moment she replied and saying "Hey I'm good... how about we do something today?" Mitch smiled and typed "Sure anything in mind?" as he listened to music on his Myspace he got the reply "lunch and movie?" Mitch light up "That sounds great." She massaged back "Great I'll be at your place at noon." she stated, quickly adding "I'm going to log off and get ready." She signed out, and so did he. He went and took a shower, getting out he dried off and brushed his hair again. He returned to his room and began to listen to music on his Myspace again. Mitch sang softly to his favorite songs as he felt a pair of arms wrap around him he smiled after a small jump looking up into Christy's eyes "Good day beautiful," his voice rang out simply. Her smile filled him with a warmth never known before. Her lips pressed to his and his heart beat rushed. She broke the kiss and smiled "You're so sweet," she said softly as she let him up. Mitch smiled, "I try." He laughed softly and as he looked at the clock and said "Lets head out. Any place you wish to eat?" he asked her as he moved to the door and opened it. She thought "I don't know but, pizza sounds great," she said as he nodded, "I know the place to go," he added as he let her leave the room. He lead her to his truck, unlocked her door, and opened it before he got in on his side and smiled at her.

    Starting his truck he backed up and pulled away from his house heading into town. Mitch glanced over to her from time to time, smiling the whole time. Stopping at a red light he looked over at her and smiled "So what have you been up to lately?" he asked as he turned down the radio. She smiled "Not a whole lot. Mainly hoping one of the schools accept me," she grinned and looked at him, "How about you?" grinning, he replied "Oh nothing really I've been looking for a job, writing, and mostly drawing." The light turned green and he pulled forward. The loud roar of his truck echoed off the cars next to them. He turned up the radio and began to sing the song that was playing. He smiled and looked over to her as he sang, she smiled and sang along as they drove down the road. He pulled into La Rosa's. She smiled. "I love this place," Mitch nodded "Me too." He parked and then they entered the building. They both walked in with a smile and stopped, waiting to be seated. As their waitress sat them at a secluded booth, they looked into each others eyes. Mitch let her sit before he sat across from her. Glancing over the menus he looked at her, "Well what kind of pizza you want?" he asked looking at her. She thought for a little bit and smiled, "Anything is fine, but I would enjoy pepperoni on it," he smiled and nodded, "Pepperoni it is."

    He looked at the waitress that just walked up, "You order first Christy, I'm still thinking about bread sticks or not," She smiled and nodded, "I'll have a Pepsi, That’s all." Mitch smiled "Ok, I'll have an order of bread sticks, a Root Beer, and a medium Pepperoni pizza," He said with a smile. The waitress nodded and walked away. Mitch turned his attention to Christy, "So... what kind of music does your band play?" he asked with a slight tilt of his head. She smiled and answered "We play punk and some other stuff, but mainly punk." He nodded. "That’s cool. I expected a lot of punk." Mitch leaned back and closed his eyes, slowly opening them he smiled again, realizing this wasn't a dream. Christy looked into his eyes "What’s that look about?" Mitch laughed "I am having a hard time accepting this is real," he said with a smile. Christy laughed "Oh, honey it's real." She took his hand and squeezed it gently, "I'm really here." He smiled and sighed happily, "Have any idea on a movie?" he asked looking into her eyes. "I don't know, we will find out when we get there," she stated. Nodding, he looked at the waitress that came up with their drinks and the bread sticks. Mitch smiled and placed the bread sticks in the middle. Taking one he split it in two before he dipped the one half in the pizza sauce and started to eat it. She gracefully grabbed the other half and did the same. He smiled at her as they ate. He took a drink and another bite. The pizza came quickly and they grabbed a slice, eating a few slices each. Mitch looked to her and smiled "Well, I'm full," he laughed lightly and finished his drink. She nodded "Me too." He looked around for the waitress, waving her over once he found her and asked for the check and a box. Moments later they both arrived. He placed the pizza in the box with the rest of the bread sticks. He pulled out his money and paid, handing the check back to her. "Well, I can't wait for the movie." He said looking at her. She smiled, "Oh, really?" Mitch winked "Any dark place with you is great." He smiled and bit his lip at the thought. She looked at him and bit her lip, "Mmm, well I can think of a few other dark places that would be better." She smiled and winked at him. He looked at her, "Yay, a girl that fires back my own kind of comments," he chuckled. Taking the change and leaving a tip, he stood up, holding out his hand for her. She took it happily and they both left. Hopping into his truck he pulled away and drove the few feet to the theater.

    Parking, they hopped out and headed into the theater. Christy took his hand which made Mitch smile brighter. Stepping up to the counter, they looked up at the movies and showings. Choosing one he got the tickets and she led him to the guy that took the tickets. She smiled as they went into the theater. Finding seats, she sat down and he sat next to her, placing his arm on the rest between them, Without a thought she took his hand in hers and smiled. He looked over at her, his eyes soft. Lifting her hand he kissed it gently and smiled at her. Smiling back, Christen looked forward to the screen, an un-noticeable blush came to her cheeks. Mitchell bit his lip softly when she squeezed his hand. After a few minutes the movie started and he glanced to her from time to time and she glanced at him as well. Mitch and Christy both enjoyed the movie. During a point in the movie a young, super powered man took his love and climbed a tree as if it were a breeze, Christy leaned in and whispered, "Why can't you do that?" Mitch smiled "I could, but then I wouldn't be able to keep the ladies off me." They laughed quietly. Continuing to watch the movie they smiled, holding each others hands and enjoying each others company. The movie ended and she leaned over and kissed his cheek. She stood up and he followed. They left the theater holding hands. Opening the truck door he let her get in and closed it afterwords. Getting in on the driver side, he buckled up and started his truck up. A loud roar sounded as his truck came to life and he pulled away.

    While they drove he looked to her, "Well do you want to hangout at my place for a little or do you want me to drop you off at your house?" she smiled. "I want to spend more time with you. So I'll hang out at your place for a little." he nodded and drove home. When they got to his house he parked his truck and held the door for her to enter the house. She lead him up to his room and she sat in his big chair and looked at him, he smiled "Who's that lounging' in my chair?" he sang softly. She grinned and winked at him "Nice voice honey." He blushed "Thank you." She stood and took his hand pulling him to the chair big enough for both of them He sat down and she curled up next to him her legs laying across his and her arms wrapped around his neck. she sighed and it sent shivers down his spin. Smiling, she kissed his cheek "Will you sing to me?" Nodding, he thought of a good song to sing. "Angel... Put sad wings around me now. Protect me from this world we're in so that we can rise again. Oh Angel... Remember how we chanced the sun." She pulled his face to her's to gently kiss his lips and smiled "Thank you." He looked into her eyes, shining as they were. He thought he would go blind by looking into them, but couldn't look away. "When did you get such a voice?" she asked smiling. He thought "I listen to a lot of Judas Priest and sing along to it." she nodded and looked at him. Nuzzling closer to him she smiled, "Will you join my band?" He thought hard, "If you play Megadeth." She smiled "I think we can do that." He smiled, "Then I would love to." he said holding her. She smiled, "We have practice tomorrow." He nodded and smiled resting his head on hers. Smiling as he held her "I feel calm again." He said softly as he gently kissed her head. She grinned "If cuddling calms you I wonder what this does." She kissed his lips gently and looked into his eyes. Mitch smiled "It settles my mind, but causes my blood to rush." He kissed her back and held her tight.

    They sat for hours holding each other. Mitch's mind, void of anything but now. As he drifted off into nowhere holding her she fell asleep smiling. He picked her up and took her to his bed. Laying her down he covered her up and kissed her gently. He called her house "Hello um, this is Mitch." the voice on the other line her mother "Oh you’re the guy My Christy went to the movies with today." He smiled "Yeah That’s me well She fell asleep in my arms, and I'd rather not wake her if I didn't have to." The voice laughed "Sounds like her. When she gets cozy she tends to take a nap if she's sleepy." He smiled "I put her in my bed. She can stay if you don't care... if not, I can bring her home I'll just need directions on how to get their." He listened as she spoke. "No, I didn't plan on sleeping in the same bed as her... No I was going to sleep on the floor." He listened to her. "Well lets just say we will never really see eye to eye when it comes to that, Ma'am. It's to early in our relationship for me to be thinking of that, hence me sleeping on floor." The voice calmed down "Ma'am, you have my word, being that other than Christy's, I will be sleeping on the floor. That being all I own." She sighed and agreed to her staying over. "I shall not disappoint you ma'am, I promise." He smiled and hung up. He set up his bed on the floor and brushed his teeth. He laid down and after a hour of trying to find a comfortable position he fell asleep.

    Christy woke up and looked around, surprised at first, she quickly settled down and got out of the bed. She saw him sleeping on the floor Giggling, she joined him, kissing his cheek. He rolled over and she took her spot next to him laying her head on his shoulder and watching his chest rise and fall. Moving slightly a few bones popped and cracked witched made Christy cringe and Mitch winced. He opened his eyes and looked over "Morning..." He took a deep breath and yawned. She sat up and looked down at him "So I fell asleep?" she smiled, "Couldn't help it. You're just to comfy," she grinned and kissed his nose. Mitch smiled "Well, I didn't want to wake you so I called your mom and asked if you could stay the night.... took a bit but she warmed up to it." He laughed softly and looked up at her. She smiled, "Yeah, probably went on some God tangent and stuff about sex." He looked at her, "Guessing not the first time you went through this, huh?" She smiled "Only with friends she thought were more then that." She stood up and so did he, only he sounded like the rapid fire of a cap gun. He sighed and cursed himself for not using the bean bag chair. As his bones stopped popping like a fifty year old, he looked at her. "That’s what I get for not taking care of myself." He laughed. Walking over to his dresser he looked through his clothing, "So what we doing today honey?" He asked as he pulled out a pair of pants and a T shirt. She thought, "Well for starters we are going over to my house so I can get a shower and a change of clothes. "Plus you get to meet my mom, again. She doesn’t even remember you." He smiled, "Being as I only met her once, I can't say I blame her." She looked at him move around "Then band practice." she stated happily.

    They left after Mitch finished his morning routine to Christy's house. She lead him in and she looked around "Mom, You home?" she yelled A quick answer came "Yes." and a short woman that had the stench of religion radiate from her. Christy's mother looked Mitch over and gave him a dirty look "Well I don't know where she finds these guys." "Mom!" Christy snapped and her mothers remark "Mitch laughed "Well she found me in seventh grade and I may look rough around the edges, hard and scary. I'm really the opposite, I'm soft and kind." He looked down at her "Ma'am I have my share of problems but I'm more sane then you moths that flutters aimlessly to the flame." Her mother glares at him "What do you mean by moths?" she asked sneering "I can spill logic That’s would tear your hypocritical religion down." You could see Christy's mother turn to defense "Yeah what make Catholics hypocrites?" she asked crossing her arms "Well what your about to surge off as just so anti-Christ Atheist bull is just my over view of your religion as I have no religion and have no need for one, although I had a little hick up in my thoughts about it. Anyway on to the logic, you do fallow the ten commandment right?" she nodded "Of course." He smiled "Wrong Thou shalt put anyone before god. Well lets think about this, don't Catholic's pray to saints and not to god himself?" she nodded "Well Ma'am no offense but that’s a big sin, like four times bigger then "pre-marital sex" Praying to a saint is putting someone before your god." Mitch shrugged "Their a some other things but That’s my major issue." She looked at him with wide eyes "Well I never." he sighed "Ok listen you grew up catholic most likely not having the freedom from your parents to look around for logic. So I say to you now if I am to worship anything its Mother Earth, as I come from her and she allows us to live even though we should all be killed for the ignorance that we have shown through out the thousands of years humans have been on her." he stated his argument softly "I don't care what you believe in just please don't push your idea's on me and claim mine wrong. I just look at these thing logicly not blindly." he finished up and Christy stood there listening silent her mother smiled "I like him." gently grabbing his arm she lead him to the kitchen "I'm making breakfast. Are your hungry?" he nodded and smiled. Christy laughed softly and walked away Taking a shower and getting dressed she returned to find that Mitch was helping her mother cook. "Christy." her mother called "Honey you found yourself a keeper. A man that can cook." Christy blushed and laughed "Well mom I would have had him earlier but you took me out of South Dearborn." she said as she gave Mitch a hug "Look at you, mister, winning my mom over and making my job easy." she smiled and kissed his cheek turning she took her seat at the table. Mitch had been smiling the whole time. He finished the eggs "Ok finished lets get to eaten." he dished them out for every one and some for himself with some bacon and toast. He sat down and smiled "So I take it you pray before meals." he said looking at her mother "Yes we do." He nodded and lowered his head and listened to her father pray in his head he took the moment to let every thing sock in. "Amen." every one seemed to say at once and they began to eat. Mitch and her father started up about art. "No, I'm more a modern artist, pop culture, emotional expression." Mitch said with a smile. Her father looked at him "So you do obstacle like splatter art?" Mitch shook his head slightly "No I don't see the skill involved with that, My art works with figures. Position and gradation convey my emotion." he stated as he picked up a piece of bacon. "I see, so What’s your view on that kind of art?" Mitch thought "Well, if the artist has at least so skill that they can paint something with a obvious subject matter with form and some technical skill then its ok for them to express themselves through splatter art but if they can't then, I don't think they should be noted as an artist for just spilling paint." He said as he dipped his toast in the egg yoke. "I'd like to see some of your work." Her father said "Cool." he pulled out his Zune and turned it on finding some of his drawings he held it out to him "Here are some of my drawings and some paintings., I'd have more paintings but paper is cheaper the canvas." he chuckled softly as he cut a peace of egg.

    Christy finished before Mitch but it didn't take him long to catch up. Mitch finished his last peace of bacon before excusing himself from the table Taking his plate and Christy's to the sink. He placed the plate into the soapy water and turned to her. "Don't we have band practice to be getting to?" he asked her. Christy's head darted to the clock "Yeah we're going to be late." she hoped up "Tanks for the food mom. I'll be back later don't wait up." Mitch smiled and wave to the two "See you later, was a pleasure." he smiled and followed her. They walk down the road to a old barn.. Opening the door she pulled him in. "Welcome to Dishonor's Music Barn." she laughed "Not the name I chose." she looked back at him as he followed. "Well its big." he said and looked over at the other three band members tuning their instruments. "Well we know why she's late." one said after looking at Mitch. "That’s Tom, the basest. Rick is are rhythm, and Jackie is are drummer." She said pointing them out. "Ok guys this is Mitch my boyfriend so hands off Jackie, I see those looks you giving him." Jackie laughed "Sorry Christy." Christy laughed and Mitch smiled "Well can you blame her." He struck a pose and they all laughed "Too hot to handle honey." Christy said cheerfully. She looked at the band members "Oh and I’d like him to be are new singer as he has a better rang." she smiled "Only thing we have to do is play Megadeth." she giggled softly remembering his terms. "Well lets just see just how good he is." Rick said "Ok how do we test him. Christy, do you have any suggestions?" She smiled and nodded "Play a song and he sings it then you all make the choice." they nodded "Ok what song?" Tom asked as he finished tuning his bass. Christy thought and giggled "Mitch do you know any Evanescence?" Mitch nodded "I have the Fallen album." Christy smiled "Good choose a song from it." Mitch smiled "Ok My last breath." Christy spun around "I didn't expect that..." she smirked "Ok then That’s the song." Mitch took his place behind the mic and he took a few breaths and nodded to the band. they started to play and he closed his eyes. Opening his eyes laying them on Christy "Hold on to me love, you know I can't stay long all I waned to was I love you and I’m not afraid." He sang the first few lines "Can you hear me! Can you feel me in your arms? Holding my last breath, safe inside my self. Are all my thoughts of you? Sweet raptured light, it ends hear tonight." By the end of the song they all had stopped playing and were just listening to him. Stepping back from the mic he looked at them and smiled "So?" Christy walked up to him and kissed him "Try not to look at me like that when we are in a show?" she asked after their lips parted. Jackie giggled "Yay I think we have a vocalist." she coughed "Not that your voice isn't good Rick." Rick shook his head "He's in." Everyone agreed and Mitch smiled as he hugged Christy "I'll try not to." he laughed and let go of her.

    Mitch and Christy continued to practice with the others and he was glad that he fit in. They played a few songs and hung out a bit getting new songs worked out. for a garage band they were every organized. Mitchell mentioned some songs he would like to sing and they wrote them down so they could try and learn them. Christy stayed by Mitch's side and held his hand. She smiled and gave him pecks on his cheek and he returned them. He smiled and sat next to her holding her hand in his as they talked over songs and composition of original titles. His eyes wondered over line after line written down for songs. He nodded and wrote some poetic lines himself, Christy watched him and read the words he put on the paper "Wow... My man is a romantic." with out missing a breath or heart beat Mitch grinned "You bet I am honey." He looked over and sung a few of the lines on the paper "Eyes that fill my heart with desire make my body quake in sadness. Lips that draw breath of loves fire make my mind shackle to happiness." he nodded and smiled "I like it." Christy looking at him as he sang and smiled as he nodded "Good. that will be are ballad." She stated as he turned his eyes to her. His smile gently to his lips as he looked into her eyes "In my bleak existence a warm presence has changed my future in a instance." he said plainly to her and she looked shocked "You didn't put that down on the paper." he winked "It's not for paper its for you." he leaned back and looked held her hand in his. She pulled him into a kiss and smiled "Thank you. I'll cherish those words." she stated as she pulled away from him. "I already do." he answered in a cheery tone.