• When the vampire is running at them saphfire opens the door and hops out while its still moving runs in the forest and it follows her she clibs up a tree. When she sees the vampire stop she jups on it slits its throat and stabs it in the heart.

    She runs back to the road sees the car surrounded by vampires she screams so they will follow her and they do they come torward her. She said to herself "Dont worry its only 5 you can do it."

    They come at her she pulls out her pistols shoots them all they stop for a couple seconds and she laughs she cartwheels into one and, it falls and she stabs it and then she did a back flip over 2 and grabbed the longest knife and went through both their hearts.

    The other two come at her form angles she waits for them to fet close then she jups in the air and does a toe touch and kicks them both down then she runs too 1 and throws it against the tree stabs it then the other kicks saphfire in the back she falls then she kick it in the nuts and it falls she punches it 5 times then she gets up kicks it in the face then she stabs him in the heart.

    She runs back to the car hops in starts driving 150 miles per hour and stops at a gas station knowing its probably dangerous but she needs to get food and gas so AlanStonewalk pumps the gas and Saphfire goes into the gas station and grabs drinks and food.

    When she gets outside she goes up to Alan and says, "Thanks for being here for me and my sister." he says "Well i love you so of course ill be here for you until the end ok babe."

    Then they kiss for 5 minutes while crystal is watching and then crytal trys to shout to tell them that a vampire is coming but they cant hear her.

    so what happens next.

    to be continued....