• Emma holding a hand made sign saying “JAYNE!!” I laughed and walked to her. She dropped her mouth, “You look great. Very different.” I smiled and hugged her tight. We got in her blue BMW…

    I slid into the passenger seat and shut the door behind me. I ran my hand over the sliver leather on the door. I rested my head against the window and heard Emma shut her door and start the engine. The engine revved and I saw the rows of car slowly leave my vision. “So why did you change into,” Emma paused to look me over once more and continued, “Like that girl in the band paramore, that’s the band you like?”
    I laughed without humor, “I forgot that her hair was red, haha I just had the hairstylist do what she wanted. Oh her name is Hayley Williams.”
    She laughed her whimsical laugh, “Okay, why are you coming home so soon? If I were you I would have stayed in France.”
    I lolled my head towards Emma. My voice sounded dead, “Twenty questions? Is that what we are playing. Or are you ingratiating me?”
    Emma looked at me horror struck and then her eyes darted straight to the road, “No, I’m sorry…I was just wondering. First you deiced to go and then turn around and come back.” Her face looked apologetic and sad.
    I felt horrible, I spoke before I spoke. Which I do often. I buried my face into my hands and sighed I lifted my head, “ I’m sorry, I just… didn’t want to run. I came home to solve my problems.”
    She sucked in her breathe, “I…I don’t understand.”
    “You won’t, for as long as you’ve known me you would think you would know I do things my way…or the way that happens to be in my head.”
    I knew that would make her laugh, and she did, “I know, I wont proceed further.” I nodded and laid my head back down on the window. The warmth of the sun made me fall asleep. I woke up to a hard pressure on my cheek. Emma was poking me. I raised my hand and smacked her hand, “OW! I was just waking you up.”
    “Blah, Blah, Blah let me sleep.”
    “But we are home.”
    “Ugh, fine.” I felt disembodied, I collected my thoughts and quickly lifted my head. I felt dizzy, I let out a laugh. I kept my eyes closed and I heard footsteps at my door, “Ems I think Im drunk…haha I feel like that anyway.” I hit my head against the seat and I heard a laugh, it wasn’t Emma’s. My eyes shot open and my head jerked to the door. There he stood, with his dark baggy jeans and black shirt clinging to his chest. I put my feet on the sidewalk and stood up. He backed up and quit laughing. I shut the door and stood my ground my face had a composed expression. His had a solemn and longing expression. I stood there for a minute without speaking. He was the first to speak, “Your hair? We need to talk.”
    I nodded, “I wanted change, I figured soon or later-” He had taken a step towards me, I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t back up because I would be pressed up against the car. He kept walking, I held out my hand, “No, stay. I cant-”
    “Talk? Feel comfortable? Or you cant stay away?” He kept walking, when he reached close enough to were his feet could touch mine. My heart skipped a beat and I stopped breathing. I hated how he affected me this way, I controlled my breathing. He put his arms on either side of me and I pressed against the car. I narrowed my eyes at him and he gave a sly smile. I pushed him but he didn’t budge, “Either you move or I will force you.” He scoffed, “Try.”
    I hated him when he did this, well the fact this is the first time he had done this. I pushed him and he laughed, I finally threw force behind my arm and punched him in the mouth. I knocked a tooth loose or something because his mouth trickled a line of scarlet red blood. Damon moved his hands to his mouth, he wiped his mouth and the blood kept coming. I sighed, “Look what happens when you’re a jerk? Come on follow me.”