• Fear San Andreas

    “Your mission, if you choose to accept, is to parachute into San Andreas to regain territories taken by two different gangs in San Andreas from our ground units that have joined with Grove Street Families to help keep both gangs in check. We have just discovered that both gangs have
    combined to wipe out the units and our ally. You must destroy both gangs Lt. Colonel. Victory or Death (Better be the gangsters instead of you.)
    Respectfully, General Jack Dawson “

    That is how it started, a letter from the general to Lt. Col. Armando A. Becerra and Major Arthur Moreno accepted the mission and gathered their twelve man squad and brief them on the upcoming mission.
    “WHOA!” Maj. Arthur Moreno yelped when the ripcord deployed his parachute when he jumped out of the C-47 followed by me and the rest of the squad as follow; Pvt.Madison, Lt.Francesca, Sgt.Nestor, 1st Lt.Fernanda, Pvt. John Sada, 1st Sgt. Azurean, Capt. Eric, Clp. Marcos, Pvt. Samantha, and Clp. Arriana followed suit into the night sky to an unknown fate. “You made it sir!” the squad was relieved that I made it through the night, but we have to get to the contact point at the ‘safe house’ at Grove Street and when arrive, something weird happened, very weird at the contact point no one was there. Then Sgt.Nestor screams “WHERE IS EVERYBODY!” Then gunshots ranged out and it was C.J., Sweet, Ryder, and Big Smoke running like hell.
    What we didn’t know was this was serious; they were on their way to defend their territory from a gang named ‘East side Ballas’. I told the squad to follow them to make sure that they wouldn’t get into trouble. Well, trouble is always following us, because what happens next is, well scary as hell. During the shootout, C.J. screams “RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!” We didn’t believe him until, 1st Lt. Fernanda screams “GHOST” And this time we believe her. I yelled “Fall Back!” We did, but they (The Ballas) kept pushing us closer and closer to the airport and then I gave the final order to “Lets Get The Hell Out Of Dodge!” lucky for us their was 16 planes at Los Santos International Airport. I decided to pull the squad out of Los Santos to Las Venturas, but the same thing happened, the only difference was that the gang that attack us was called ‘El Soleos’ a Mexican gang based in Las Venturas, so we were forced to leave San Andreas altogether. “Now the only safe place for us is the sea, sir.” Capt. Eric said. It was where the squad woke up on day three, 5 miles off the coast of Vice City. So, we took off with the wind to our backs from the carrier ‘U.S.S Enterprise’ to Vice City’s airport. When we arrived at the airport there was a surprise waiting at the airport for us. It was Vice City’s infamous Tommy Vercetti waiting for us in his limo and picked up the squad that now has 16 soldiers instead of the normal 12 soldiers. On the way to the hotel the squad would stay at, bad news came on the radio “The U.S Air Force has dropped the Atomic Bomb on San Andreas.” I was dishearten, I planned to return to San Andreas after I recruited more men to wipe out both the gangs and to help our friends, ‘Grove Street Families’ to keep the gangs from trying to rebuild their strength, but I failed. Day Four; I’m down in the lobby of the ‘Ocean View Hotel’ guarding the front door to make sure no one will make it through to the men inside sleeping upstairs when Tommy came running with a big problem. I burst through the doors of each room to wake everyone up, screaming “GET UP NOW, WE’VE GOT A MAJOR PROBLEM!” The problem was serious, Tommy just got back from Vice City’s mainland where he heard that there was a Hostage situation in an office building, but Maj. Arthur had other ideas “We can’t help, we’re lightly armed, our heaviest weapons is a M-1 that fires eighteen 50 caliber rounds and a 30 caliber machine gun, we don’t know how many are inside, we don’t know how many are against us, or if this is really happening Tommy Vercetti.” Authur was right, this could be a lie, something else could be happening, but we still had to check it out anyway. When we arrived police were already there, and we were the first ones in and then all hell broke loose, when we started up the stairs we immediately came under fire, but we kept going till we made it to a overhang, but we weren’t safe yet because the overhang was at the door and there, right in front of the only way up, were two men armed with what seem to be an AK-47, but we took our chances anyway, we took the first floor with no loses but we still had to take the upper floors and we didn’t know how many people were left inside. The 10th floor was where the hostages were at, but what we saw was horrible, we just had to leave, but we didn’t, we stayed and we made sure that no one was there and we found the hostages and freed them and we made sure no one was remaining, and then someone screamed “Medic!” everyone was surprised because no one was hit. “Hey, it’s Tommy Vercetti!” Clp.Marcos shouted out over the radio, yet no one knew why, then Sgt. Nestor screams “Air Raid!” everyone immediately took off to intercept what looks like 48 bombers, only after we took off did we find out instead of 48 bombers their was 48 fighters we had to fight off, we didn’t know what kind of fighters their were untill we face to face with 48 F-15s, F-16s, and A-10s and I thought “Were going to be forced out of Vice city!!!” and then Ryder shouted over the radio “Unknown fighter to the left!” who fighter is this? No one knows, but who ever it was they were good, we kept up the fight and only after did we find out who the pilot was kind of a surprise to Tommy Vercetti because the name was close to the same name a cousin had, the name was Kagome, and it surprised to Tommy Vercetti. Yet, no one knows that in three months the siege of Vice City will begin.
    “The original mission was a failure, both You and Maj. Arthur knew that, but what you didn’t know is that the mission would be a failure from the beginning. You have done well Lt. Col., you have done well. Respectfully, General Jack Dawson.”