• (Ch2)*** (The New Life)

    “Uh, why do I feel sore like I ran a lot yesterday?” She wondered aloud, yawning widely. She got up swaying slightly and confused. She went downstairs and asked Aunt Pandora and Uncle Varden if her name was Ariel.

    “No silly, here and at the new boarding school you’re starting in September you and your brothers are the triple a’s, Alaya, Alex and Artemis Bone. But in public and at your old school you guys are known as Maddie, Harry and Danny Bone.” Aunt Pandora answered.


    Keenan also woke up somewhat confused. For some reason strangers in a house (that was not his) kept on calling him Justin and whenever he tried to tell them his name was Keenan they would just laugh and say “stop pretending.” Finally he decided to go outside for a walk to clear his head. Along the way he saw Ariel but when he waved wildly and called her name she just ignored him.

    “Hey, wait up!” he yelled out of breath. He grabbed her arm and she whipped around angrily and said ”Who do you think you are calling me Ariel when you, my neighbor Justin Jace, know perfectly well that my name is Maddie!” Keenan screamed with frustration. Was everyone playing some kind of prank on him? Quickly he ran inside and checked the calendar which read, Aug.14/01. “That wasn’t the date yesterday” he thought fearfully “It was Mar.20/01.”

    “Jutin, mail fo you!” his so-called little brother Dustin screamed from the door. He dashed over and looked at the envelope. It appeared very official. He opened it and several pieces of paper fell out. He picked up one. It read:
    Dear Mr. Jace,
    We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at our school, Ghost Hills. On the next page is a list of supplies and other things that you will need. Also, enclosed is a ticket for the Boo Bus. It will arrive on the corner of New York and Country Avenues at approximately 4:00pm on Wednesday, September 1st. Have a great rest of summer.
    Sincerely, Professor Booberry.

    This really is insane, Keenan/Justin thought miserably, I never applied for a private school called Ghost Hills. As his ‘mother’ walked in, she saw the letter in his hand and screamed to her husband to come down immediately.

    “What’s wrong?!” He cried out of breath.

    “It’s not what’s wrong,” His wife corrected him, “It’s what’s right! Justin just got a letter from the private school informing him that they have chosen him to attend. I always knew he would be accepted.” Keenan/Justin was confused. These people had only known him for a day. But for the time being, he thought glumly, I’ll just play along with everyone’s dumb joke.