• Tree pulled back, a tiny smirk gracing his lips as he turned back to pick up his guitar. Your body relaxed from the stiffened position the sudden closeness had caused, and you had to stay put to make your breathing even again. 'WHAT WAS THAT!!!' You wanted to screech at him, but held your tongue. You admitted to yourself you liked the close proximity, so why ruin the moment?

    The rest of the way wasn't as companionable as it was before. It was still a blank quiet, but this time, it was an awkward silence, fueled by the fact that you had no idea how to interpret the smirk he still wore. Was he able to somehow hear how rapid your heart was beating? Or was it just his arrogant nature shining through?

    Tree suddenly stopped. You had to side-step so as to not run into him. And what you saw made you gasp. You two were facing away from the city, allowing the stars that were usually hidden on the street to shine down on you two with a startling intensity. Unconsciously, you picked out your favorite constellations of Draco, the Little Dipper, and the Big Dipper. A full moon shined down on us, painting everything within reach a dazzling silver.

    You turned to Tree, silent gratitude etched into your features. It had to be silent, because you couldn't force a single coherent word from your suddenly clenched throat. Tree's arrogant smirk had melted into a gentle smile as you surveyed the spot he had brought you to. He looked up to the full moon, his dirty blond hair going platinum blond. It kind of reminded you of Draco Malfoy, from Harry Potter. The thought had you biting your lip to stifle giggles. "Do you remember, in Freshman year, our first really big fight?"