• The dark forest, I wonder how well I can describe how eerie and scary it really is. The pitch black darkness, the sounds of animals scurrying about, and the old, dead, dirty trees and branches doesn't seem to give it enough justice to describe how scared I feel right now. I felt my cold chest pounding and I knew I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible I just had to wait for it; I had to wait for him.

    "Josie, have you given up yet?"

    "No I haven't given up yet.. please just come out, so we both can go home"

    I loved my brother to death, but he had a knack to drive me crazy sometimes. One minute I could be holding him, loving him, hugging him for sweet life, and the next I wanted to hate him, leave him in this dark desolate place. I couldn't stop thinking about this one story: a story my friends once told me about a young girl, who had died several years ago. She waits in the forest at night; she waits in the darkest of nights and she waits to take the smallest of children away, some say to paradise; others say hell. The whole entire story just made the night even more terrifying to me, and for some reason I couldn't get the tale out of my head. Even though I told my brother the same sort of story once, he just laughed at it and call me a 'scaredy' cat. I hate to admit that I'm scared, it just makes me feel so weak.

    "Josie let's go.. I think i'm ready now"

    "Okay, did you have a good time?!" I was sort of ticked off at the whole situation and I couldn't keep it in any longer. I knew he knew just from the tone of my voice that I was upset with him, I really just wanted to grab his arm and rush home and I wanted him to feel bad along the way back.

    "Yeah, uh- I'm sorry. I was just sort of scared........ I don't know what's going to happen now I'm really scared, Josie."

    He looked so sad with that almost wet stare on his face, and I knew he was sorry. I could also tell that he was scared. He clung closer to me and I felt his fear grabbing my dress. I could feel the grip of the dark night, of the dead forest, and of the savage animals, but I still hated him for making me come out here in this place where I wasn't meant to be, but I had to be there for him, though, I always had to be there for him.

    "It's okay, I'm with you. I'll always be with you, no matter what. Remember I'm your sister, your 'angel''; I'll always watch over you forever"

    "Thank you, Josie I'm ready to go back home now" I saw that he was crying and it shocked me, not because it was so pitiful or sad. His tears brought a feeling in me of comfort and made me feel more at ease and I knew that we were both finally ready to head out of this dark forest once and for all. I felt more and more comfortable as we both walked home on the dirty, dirt trail.

    I didn't blow out at him like I planned, but instead I held his hand and walked with him and we walked back to our home on that long dark road. We walked back home into eternity where we would both finally be at peace, once and for all.