• Chapter Two

    I woke up to birds chirping and little rain drops from the roof hitting my cheek. I tried to stretch out but it was as if someone had gone inside my body and tied up my muscles. I looked at my watch it was twelve o'clock on the dot.
    "Good morning sunshine," I looked up to see J looking at me with a huge grin on his face. He looked almost like an over stuffed black chipmunk. He was short and stout with stubble and a really really round face. His two front teeth stuff out about and inch from his face and looked about two feet long. He had small hazel eyes with practically no eyelashes at all. I noticed that he has a huge wart on the tip of his nose and in the midst of checking him out (which I never get tired of) I burst out laughing histerically. His face changed into a frown then his eyebrows arched so deep I thought that they might just fall into his eyes.
    " I really don't see what's so funny."
    " Dude come on you have this huge wart on your nose," I said in between laughs.
    " I am quite aware of that thank YOU," J said readjusting himself as if trying to make his body get taller than 5'4'' and trying to sound proper.
    " Well excuse me misuer I didn't mean to make your feelings hurt," I said in a half british accent making a mental note to watch more british movies and work on my accent. Returning to normal J announced that my sister was pregnant with his baby and that I was to pack my things and leave.
    " Excuse me?"
    " Are you deaf?" J said with a half smile.
    "Well then stop acting stupid and go get your things your moving in wiht your uncle in Texas."
    "What ever I aint got crap to pack."
    "Good then the first thing in the morning your sister and I will drive you to the airport."
    As his stout body walked away I threw my head in my lap and began to let the tears flow uncontrolably as I sobbed.