• "No FAIR!" I exclaimed jumping up and down waving my hands in the air. "I want veiwing abilities like Creana!" I pointed to the small baby lying in my mothers arms.

    "We all have different powers. You can't have Creana's powers unless she dies. You are well aware of this." Granny Decife rocked in her chair as she spoke in her usually slow tone.

    "But the why is Kensel a werewolf?" I turned to my cousin who was leaning against the bottom of the couch.

    "Werewolves thrive in packs with multiple members. Kensel needs more pack members." Decife murmered softly.

    "Why ME though!" I screamed and ran out of the room.

    I gasped as I came back to the present time.

    Creana looked up at me. "Is this why sister is always so sad?"

    "Yes Creana." I picked Creana off the ground.

    It's been five years since that ceramony. Creana was one then. She's too observant for a five year old now. I'm 16. That's the only thing I enjoy. With me being a werewolf I get no time alone anymore. It is SO annoying.

    I walked over to Creana's bedroom and forced a smile on my face when she looked up at me. "Where's Gena?" Creana asked.

    "Saving the world somewhere," I muttered. Gene was my oldest sister. She a 26 year old telepath that lives in New York. She even designed her own costume. It's sadly amazing.

    "Where's Caramel?" Creana was full of questions today.

    "Do you call Kensel Caramel because you can't say his name or his caramel hair?" I asked.

    "A little bit of both." Creana smilied.

    I stopped in the middle of the doorway to smell Kensel at the front door. Great.

    I put Creana down and ran for my room.