• I opened my eyes slowly to see Marcelo still holding me. I felt stronger... "Julianna...how do you feel?" I looked at him. "I feel wonderful!" I said as I jumped up with ease. I walked over to my brother and Grace's bodys. "Marcelo...If I kiss them, then would they... be like us?" Marcelo just shook his head. "No...they have been dead for too long." I thne felt the tears sweal up in my eyes. They would not come out. "Marcelo...why can't I cry?" I looked at him. "Vampires do not cry dear..." he said as he walked over and wrapped me in a hug. I just hugged him. "Come on...we have to get Faith and Hope back before they do something horrible..." he said. I just nodded and jumped off with him.

    When we walked into the place I was after the tree fell on me, I seen Kagimi walk out with a change of cloths. "Here you go dear...you will need this...your cloths are torn." I nodded and walked into the bathroom to change. This outfit was...strange. It was a pale blue tope that tied at the neck. There was another black shirt to go over it and it was kinda of a dress. I was shocked to find black gloves with it. I just put them on and the boots that were with them. When I walked out, another name was with Marcelo and Kagimi. "Hello there new born." I looked at the man. "Hello I am Julianna..." I said as I walked over infront of him. "I am Akiko." I smiled as he stood there. "So you say they have tooken the two young girls?" Marcelo nodded. "Yes and we have to get them back." Akiko nodded and walked over to Kagimi. "Can you find where they are at?" Kagimi nodded and closed her eyes. "They are in the Valley Districe." Marcelo nodded. "It is still light outside...Come with me Julianna..." he said as he led me to what I would guess was his room. "Here put this on..." he placed a neclace in my hand. I nodded and placed it around my neck. He placed a ring on his finger. "These will protect us in the sun..." I nodded as we walked back out into the main room. Kagimi had a fear strucken face. "What has happened Kagimi?" Marcelo looked at her. "They...They have turnned one of them into a Vampire and....and...she is very strong..." I looked at her with horror. No...They couldn't be vampires... Marcelo looked at me. "Julianna...I am sorry but the only way to make them better is to kill them..."