• *in a dark, unknown room*

    "Awww, what should I do?" said the dream, while holding 4 cards. "I have this weird feeling-. I really hate this feeling, you know? Maybe it will go away, but I could only think about the shivers.” The dream looked away from the cards and had look of discovery on his face, “That’s Right! I think someone’s been looking at me for a while. Oh, no, maybe looking for a while made them memorize my face.” Said the dream, while a devilish grin formed on its face. “I am still living inside that person! Alright, I have decided to bring someone with me.”
    *At a great battle field there is destruction left and right, a red flag can be seen in the distance. A woman in a red cloak with a breastplate and wielding a sword was hiding behind a giant rock*
    “Crap, our Army is already like this.” Said the warrior, whose name is Meiko, as she hid, with blood stains all over her. “No, there is still hope of victory.” Then, suddenly, the world disappeared, leaving everything white and silent. “Hello!” said a kid, who appeared suddenly. “Hm? People are here. I said hello, didn’t I? did you think I was someone else?” Meiko was suddenly taken aback, she said to the kid “Y-You! It’s dangerous here! Children should leave!” the kid looked up at the warrior and said, “But I’m not a kid. I have lived through double… hundreds of doubles of more times than big sis. I don’t even know, I can’t count.” Said the kid mysteriously. Meiko grabbed the kid by the sleeve, for his arms were to small to fit through his oversized shirt, and said “Ah, man, get a clue! Get a clue fast and get out of here!” the little kid looked up at her and said, “No way! I came here because I wanna do something.” Meiko was taken aback by those words, she thought to herself “What!? A child spy? Is it a disposable messenger?” “Hey big sis, are we friends or not?” the child said.
    This broke Meiko out of her thoughts. At those words, the scenery changed from nothing to an alleyway that leads to a street full of people. This is when Meiko started to panic, “Huh, What? Where is…” “This is my world.” The little kid interrupted. “Ah, now big sis is in a dream. Is it big sis’s world.” This didn’t help with Meiko’s understanding of things. “What are you saying? How is this possible? Why are you… Who are you?” the kid looked up at her and said “I am a dream. What did you hear? I am you in someone else’s dream, but you yourself doesn’t know it.” Then he looked like he lost interest “Heh, don’t worry about it. Besides, big sis is an Alice in another body.”
    Meiko then got a quizzical look “Alice?” she asks. “Yeah, Alice.” The dream replied, “Big sis is an Alice that came from here. So do your best, big sis.” Then the kid started to fade away, while Meiko asked “What is an Alice? How can I go home?” but he disappeared. So Meiko was left in the street, with her thoughts. “What the hell is an Alice?”
    that was when a small, yellow headed girl went to her and said “Hey, big sis, sis. Can you play with me?” Meiko looked at the girl curiously, “Huh? No, I can’t. I can play only in my free time.” That is when Meiko thought of something. “Say, do you know what an Alice is?” the little girl looked at her, “Alice? Mmmm….. Mmmm…… I don’t know.” That is when she… changed; her eyes looked like they had no light in them, and strange smile formed on her face. And the girl said “Alice… To me… sounds familiar.” This got Meiko excited “Really? Then What’s an Alice?” the girl says “Alice says that they will always remember the world SHE WAS IN.” at those words, the girl smiled wider and got a creepy look. This scared Meiko enough to make her run, and run far.
    As she ran she thought “What is it? How did this happen? What’s Alice? What did it say? ‘Alice always remembers this world’? I look stupid, how should I remember what it said?” she still ran as she came to terms with herself “Even though I would like to remember, it is impossible in this world. I still haven’t defeated the enemy!” that was when she heard the dreams voice “Big sis must be an Alice and come from here.” That is when Meiko suddenly stopped.
    “Is that right?” and Meiko started… Laughing, a madman’s laugh. “I get it.” She said softly “How I came from this world. What’s an Alice? It’s nothing worth my trouble. Except my human side, I am from this world. I’m Alice!” the little dream, somewhere safe, said “Mmmmm, sort of. Go ahead and think that. Maybe you’ll always think that. Nah, I should bring along other humans.” While the dream talked, Meiko went on a mass killing spree, dying the earth red, wherever she went. The screams of the villagers could be heard for miles. As she did her will she said to herself, “Kill… Kill! Erase everything in this world. I’m Alice! Erase everything so I can go back to the former world!” that is when she a blue haired man fall down, she raised her sword and said “You…I’ll kill you!” and at the last second, a cage surrounded Meiko. So the blue man was safe, for now.
    The dream suddenly appeared and said to her “ I can’t let you kill everyone. ‘Cause then I would take the hand of people.” As he said this, he was holding a card. A red ace of spade, to be exact. “oh, big sis is breaking down. I don’t need that. I junk this Alice. I don’t need one.” She looked at the kid with utter distaste, “You! You did this!” the little kid laughed, and his laugh sounded like he was crying, “big sis is bad-“ Meiko looked the kid straight in the eye and said “Don’t screw around with me! I’ll get out of here!” the dream burned the card and said “Sorry, I can’t let you do that.” Then the dream simply walked away, and Meiko called after him “Wait!” but he just walked away. “You’re kidding me.” she said despairingly, as she started to cry. That is when she saw the kid again, this time with a small doll, and it looked strangely like her, down to her sword. “the first Alice was a gallant red one,” the little dream started to sing, “with a sword in her hand through the wonderland. Slicing down everything that stood in her way, She was followed by a bloody red path.” Meiko suddenly gasped, “Wh-What is that song?” the dream looked at her and said, “Hm? Oh, it is your song.” And then the kid kept on singing, “this new Alice, deep in the woods, she was trapped as a wanted fugitive. If it weren’t for the red path that she made, no one would have even known she existed.” During the whole song, Meiko screamed “STOP IT!” as the little dream laughed and ran away.