• your standing alone in a pine forest clearing it is 12:00am in the middle of nowhere it is winter the cold air stings your checks it is a full moon but it is cloudy so the glow of the moon behind the clouds gives the land an eiry blue glow you are in the middle of the clearing staring into the dark of the wood beyond you stare at it as every second it seems to darken more and more you are not sure if it is getting darker or if its just your eyes the late night and cold air has made them heavy you want to go back to your warm cabin but somthing makes you want to stay as if you are entranced by the dark black empty space you were going to step forward but as the thought came somthing else came with it you can't help but know you have heard it before but you are not sure you know that you are not hearing this it is not a sound of you hearing its a raspy echoing whisper they are not words but you feel as tho they are you feel empty all you feel all you know all that matters is the whispers u stand unmoving unblinking and suddenly the rable of whispers utter a singel word that you hear well (COME) it seems to cry you feel nothing and then you feel your feet start to move you can not stop but you dont want to stop you are cold and tierd you want to rest as you slowly walk you feel that you are going into the darkness and what you had once thought was wrong the darkness was what darkness truly is it was not your eyes you do not see farther as you walk it remains dark as moon and starless night sky suddenly you see it you see what becond you to the dark what whispered word brought you what had given you a feeling of warmth now only fear only pleeding beging and screaming in your mind you try to speak to call out but all that comes from your bone dry throat is a rasping breathy sound much like sound of the being before you, you wish to run but you keep moving toward it you realize that it does not matter nothing matters it is to late for now you have been wrapped in the folds of its robe but you feel happy calm not afraid anymore you stare into its eyes that seem to glow as yours grow heavier and heavier and you want it you are warm and sleepy lying in its arms as you close your eyes it grins its sharp canines shine in the moon light as much as you can you smile back and close your eyes never again to open them