• Chapter one: the only one
    “wait don’t leave” Kaylor said as she tried to make friends but they just walked away. Kaylor sighed “wow I’m the least popular student here, I have no friends, no clubs, and no boyfriend, and I’m 17 now, I’m glad it’s the last day of school” Kaylor said that without knowing what was ahead of her.
    11:30 “wow look at Kaylor over there all alone I feel sorry for her” Olivia said
    “yeah me too” Laura cried
    “hey are you going to eat that waffle?” Olivia asked.
    “Oh shut up Olivia” Laura snapped
    “-_-“ Olivia expressed “oh fine be that way but you will be sorry when you find out that that waffle will be thrown away and become stale and then the homeless hobos will think you are stupid for throwing away a perfectly good waffle and letting it go to waist, wow and you say I don’t think ha” Olivia explained.
    Laura takes a bite of the waffle “ha I bet you don’t want it now” Laura smartly shouted while waving the waffle in Olivia’s face.
    “oh thanks” Olivia took the waffle and ate it quickly “seriously you have to be smarter than that” “oh hi hunter” Olivia shouted
    “hey man” hunter said hunter walks away
    “-_- wow you really are stupid” Laura negatively expressed

    chapter two: OH NO!!!!!
    2:45 “oh yes almost 3 o’clock I’m so glad” Kaylor thought. Kaylor raised her hand.
    “yes Kaylor” mrs.Duden called
    “may I go to the bathroom?” Kaylor asked
    “yes, yes you can” mrs.Duden sighed. Kaylor walked out of the room down the hallway and into the bathroom, Olivia and Laura were in there.
    “hi! I’m Kaylor, Kaylor Jacobs” Kaylor said excitedly
    “I’m Olivia Myers” Olivia giggled
    “I’m Laura Guthmiller” Laura said shyly. The bell rang “3:00! Yes party time Olivia” Laura shouted really loud
    “heck yes!!!~!” Olivia also shouted
    “can I come 2?!?!” Kaylor asked
    “umm I think” Laura said “meet us in the parking lot” Olivia and Laura said at the same time.
    “Ok I have to go to the bathroom anyway be right there!”
    “we know” Olivia shouted as if she was far away.
    3:05 all of a sudden Kaylor heard something like kerrrrthunnnnk like 23 times
    “w-what’s happening?” Kaylor asked nervously. She got out of the bathroom and looked around. She went to one of the doors and noticed that it was locked! “OH NO IM LOCKED IN!!!!!!~!”

    chapter three: the panic

    “oh no oh no oh no oh no!!!!!!!! this cant be happening this cant be happening I no I could umm no that wont work what about… no wait that’s umm well I could no wait I have to go find a janitor and ask him for a way out, wait a minuet I remember something my dad told me “ remember that the school is a evil place at night” so that means that I better find my way out AND FAST!!” Kaylor thought out loud “and my dad never lies never is wrong either” Kaylor resized
    by the time Kaylor got finished roaming the school it was 9:30! “oh no!”

    Chapter four: the never ending hallway

    Kaylor was walking in the hall for at least 3 hours when she noticed that she was not getting anywhere “what the jelly???? I thought I have been walking for a while now?!?!?!?!?! What wait no!! This night mare never ends no!!!~! I probably will never get out now” Kaylor sat on the floor and started to cry “what did I do to deserve this?” Kaylor cried all of a sudden she hear a beautiful sound it was someone singing: I don’t deserve you cuz I’m not there you your always a true friend I want to be there for you to someone you can come to. Then Kaylor saw a ghost but she kind of knew that it was not a dead person.

    Chapter five: major freak out

    “w-who are you” Kaylor said a little shaky
    “I think you know me but not that well” the ghost explained
    “r-really? Cuz it looks like I do not know you” Kaylor said a little stronger
    “fallow me” the ghost whispered but Kaylor understated it very well
    Kaylor and the ghost were walking four a long time when they came to a door although they did not say any thing they still somehow still said “goodbye” to each other. The ghost said “I love you” as Kaylor walked out the door. Kaylor kind of wondered why it said that as she walked home witch was on the other side of the town.

    Chapter six: home sweet home!

    She got home the next morning at about 9:30 she snuck to her room but her dad was in her room he had tears in his eyes. “daddy?” Kaylor said.
    “Kaylor!!!!!!~!” her dad shouted he ran over and gave Kaylor a big hug “oh honey I-I was so scared wear were you?” cried her dad.
    “I was at the school, I kind of got locked in the school” Kaylor explained what happened that night.
    “well I don’t care what happened I’m just happy your safe and sound,
    now go get some rest” her dad commanded.
    “Ok, but dad there was this ghost that said she loved me and I knew that she was not dead, plus if it was not for her I wouldn’t be here I would still be in that school starving, but when you think about it now I’m starving.” Kaylor explained.

    Chapter seven: friends again!

    After having a long rest and some breakfast Kaylor decided to ride her bike around town. She saw beautiful sights like birds in a bird bath, flowers blooming, and a lot of people having fun. That made Kaylor remember…SHE HAD FRIENDS!!! “oh yes through out the horrible school year I made a, wait TWO friends!!!” Kaylor thought this made her forget all the horrible things that happened to her in the school year. Then something startled her.
    “hey Kaylor what took you so long last night we partied without you!” Olivia shouted from Laura’s truck.
    “yeah I was in a sticky situation last night.” Kaylor explained.

    Chapter eight: explaining time.

    Kaylor explained every thing that happened that night even the alive ghost.
    “ok Kaylor you are crazy, that was probably a dream or something like that” Laura snapped
    “no it was…” Kaylor began.
    “ I believe you” Olivia interrupted.
    “what!!!!” Kaylor and Laura expressed.
    “yes believe it or not I kind of was in the same thing last year.” Olivia told Kaylor.
    “so where are you guys going?” Kaylor asked
    “a ride around town that’s it” Laura explained.
    “oh can I…” Kaylor began but at the same time she got a text telling her to come home now! “oh I have to go see you later” Kaylor shouted.
    Kaylor road her bike home as fast as she could. When she got home there was her dad her brother and three other people one looked like the ghost she saw one was a random person, but wait the other looked like her!!!