• Re~vamp*
    By A.J. Prowler


    The hardest thing about being what I am is……

    “Hey, you, stop! The guard was chasing me, I couldn’t see. The whiteout of the snow shielded my eyes. I couldn’t stop running, he’s so far yet it feels like he’s right behind me. I can feel his chilling breath on my neck. I look back hoping that he’s not behind me. I can’t see him, where is he? The snow stopped. My hands were scarlet with dark oozy liquid, is this… blood. I look up to perceive the moon, it was full. The white light was reflecting in the icy cover of the snow. At that moment everything went black…

    The day began at 9:00 am, I attend Blossom Hill High school a -not so private- private school. It was spring, an amazing time at B.H. High. The school was surrounded by cherry blossom trees and pink covered the ground like snow. I guess that’s where it got its name. I was being bombarded with tons of mindless chatter from Skott. Skott is my main bro (yeah we use the term bro). We’re exactly alike, well sort of. We both grew up in the same suburban neighborhood in Cali. We’re both 17 and were both born in the same month and day. I'm older by an hour. Our birthday was coming up soon, in fact in three days. I was leaning on my locker when I finally tuned in to what Skott was rambling on about.
    “..No seriously dude, this is going to totally blow man. We can’t possibly be moving. I can’t just leave Kanya dude I think I love her, and what about you and Rachelle. You guys have been going strong for at least nine months. Are you just willing to leave it all behind?”
    “Huh, what, oh yeah Rachelle...uh, I kind of have to bro.” Even though I answered his question I had no idea what he was talking about.
    “You don’t have the slightest idea what I’m talking about do you.” It’s like he reads my mind. “I'm talking about you and me going back to Cali.” As soon as I begin to reply the first bell of the day reminds us that we have class.


    “Peterson, Thomas, Phillips…” The substitute teacher yelled out each name with a resounding “here” coming from each student. Skott and I ran through the halls rushing to get to class. We made sharp turns in separate directions.
    “You two are tardy for the last time!” We stopped, turned around, and sighed. Just as we suspected, it was none other than the school director of discipline Mr.Wevil (forget the W we just call him evil).
    “You boys are in some serious trouble! This is the eighth tardy in a week, and I promise you this will be the final tardy you ever get!”
    Me and Skott mockingly roll our eyes and mouthed everything he’d say. Every time he'd turn his head to talk to one of us, the other would flip him the bird.
    “This time it’s straight to Dockinghahm!” Mrs.Dockinghahm was our schools principle. Out of the entire staff everyone liked “The Doc” the most. She was just like one of the students, she’d joke around with the boys, she’d gossiped with the girls about the what's what, and who goes out with who, and wasn’t one of those “oldskoolers” who tries to speak our language by saying words like “hip, far out, groovy, word to ya’ mutha and such”. So we already knew how this would go.
    So there we sat reporting our information to the assistant principle (who, by the way, didn’t like us to much) Mrs. Sullivan. Her brown hair was tied into a bun, small gray streaks were visible. She wore those librarian classes that had the string connected to her neck.
    “The name’s Skott Bridge. I'm a Junior My homeroom’s class 224, Mr. Carter’s class. Apparently I had my eight thousandth tardy.” Skott was known for his sarcasm. Mrs.Sullivan rolled her eyes and turned her attention to me.
    “Oh. Oh yeah. I'm Xak VanIpe. Also a junior. Homeroom 230, Ms.Gardven’s class, and im here for the same reason as him.”
    Mrs. Sullivan sighed (quite aggressively) than with moans and murmurs motioned towards “The Docs” office. We both got out of our seats and headed towards the oak wood door. I turned the knob gently and pushed it forward. We entered and Dockinghahm was on the phone. She stopped at the sight of her two favorite students.
    “Cathy. I’ll call you back.” She hung up the bland grey colored phone and got out of her leather swirling chair. She stared at us for a moment. The Doc was a very young principal. She was only 29, and her face showed it. Her dirty blonde hair was straightened; she looked and talked like a surfer chick (which she was, surfing was her favorite hobby other than gossiping with the senior girls).Now that I think about it, she was really hot. Anyways she had finally said something.
    “..Why the long faces guys.”
    The tone of her voice sounded liked she already knew the answer.
    “Tardy...again” I answered never the less.
    “Forget about that, look how big you guys have gotten. You guys look so alike. If you were older id have to ask you both out.”
    A devilish smile came across her face, as if she was flirting with us. Now that I noticed me and Skott did look alike. We both had those high cheek bones, like those models. Skott was on the varsity football team so his figure was broader than mine (skateboarding keeps you thin). We both had jet black hair; you know the kind that’s so black it looks purple. He kept his in a faux hawk tip, while mine just drooped and triangled into my face. Skott’s skin is darker than my ghost pale skin. He had on a pair of high top Nikes, all white, and his occasional long gym shorts with the school’s varsity shirt. “BHHS BOLTS” printed on the front. Compared to my really skinny, black skinny jeans, all black Chuck Taylors, and bright yellow 3oh!3 shirt it was easy to tell our differences. But the most different that stood out on us was our eyes. We were both born with spectacular eyes. My eyes were blue but had these drops of sparkles of gold in them, and Skott has a greenish with red exploded in the inside like a drop of blood in a green pool.
    “So how’s your dad Xak.” She focused on my eyes.
    “Dom’s ok.”
    Domiare Fort’e VanIpe, My father. He was sort of a legend at this school.
    Prom king, football jock, AP classes, student of the year, even alumni. You name it he was it. There a funny joke that his friends use to say “Dom ran the school.” I think he did. The coolest thing about my dad is that he never gets on me about not being him. I’m his little awkwardly anti social, C average boy.
    “What about you Skott.” She turned to talk to Skott.
    “The old geezer’s doin’ fine.”
    She laughed but it almost made her sound heavenly.
    At exact timing the bell rung. We totally missed class.

    We got back to class and things went by fast almost too fast. At this point I sat in my last class twirling my mechanical pencil over and over and over…
    “Xak what’s the answer.” Mr. Colt yelled in an argument ready tone. Colt was a devious man; his blonde hair swooped and limped over on the top of his head. His eyes were cold piercing blue. Just looking at him made me burn inside. I’m serious, once I left class and went to the nurse; I had a freaking fever of 102.
    I have this weird ability to guess things so instinctively I crammed out, “I think what the author is trying to say is that, without virtue ones personality would be that of a villain.” I was right, Colt didn’t say so but he gave me a look and kept going with the lesson.
    I looked in the corner of my peripheral vision to see Gabe Al giving me the “nice one” look. Besides Skott, Gabriel Alex Is my best friend we met each other when I first came from Cali.
    He had his head down now on his desk and still answering every question correct. Out of every one, he was the “nerd” he preferred to be called a “geek” though it’s one of his many philosophies.