• General Michael Nadeen, commanding officer of the space station Serenity, gazed intently at the endless stream of computer data that scrolled rapidly down one of the bridge officer’s computer screens. He, unfortunately, had absolutely no idea what they meant, but it helped keep the crew’s confidence level stable if their leader looked like he knew what he was doing. There was a hissing noise as a turbolift door opened and Michael turned away from the mathematical equations, casting his hazel-eyed gaze on the three individuals that trotted up to him. “Alpha Team reporting as ordered, sir.” The brown haired, five-foot-eleven man named Major Steven O’Niel said as he and his blonde haired companion fired off a well-practiced salute.

    “As you were.” Michael replied, returning the gesture, “A few minutes ago, one of our nomad Time Drones picked up faint energy readings matching that of a Time Crystal.”

    “Do we know what time period, sir?” the blonde soldier, one of the promising new recruits that Michael had transferred from the Federation’s best military academy, asked.

    Michael nodded, “We certainly do, Private Banes. The Drone was able to triangulate the readings to seventeenth-century France before the Crystal’s signal mysteriously disappeared.”

    A troubled and confused look rippled through the people standing before him. “Could the TimeSplitters be shielding the Crystal from us?” the third individual, a woman by the name of Aili Jordan who was one of the new additions to Serenity’s growing population, questioned.

    “Not likely.” Michael answered, shaking his head, “However, we can’t afford to rule out that possibility, so you’ll be going in guns hot and gloves off. You’re primary objective will be to retrieve the Time Crystal by any means you see fit, and please try not to get yourselves shot. It’s way too much paperwork.”

    The joke thankfully brought out a smile among the members of Alpha Team. “Understood, sir.” Steven said.

    “Good.” Michael stated, “The T.P.T.’s still receiving repairs since your last mission, so you won’t have as much backup. You leave in one hour. Dismissed.”

    Steven and Jamie snapped off one more salute before returning to the turbolift. Aili was about to turn to follow them when Michael said, “Aili, got a minute?”
    “Sure.” She said uncertainly.

    “You’re still half way through your evaluation course. But since your services will more than likely be required on a high-priority mission like this, the B.A.T.’s giving you a bit of leisure. You’re a member of Alpha Team, but for this mission and this mission only.” The general explained, “Do you understand?”

    Aili nodded, a spark of gratitude in her eyes, “Yes, general. I’ll do my best.”

    “That’s what we’re all trying to do nowadays.” Michael replied, “You may go.”

    “Thank you, sir.” She said, then turned and joined her companions in the lift, the doors hissing shut as soon as she entered.

    With a tired sigh, Michael returned to the demanding job of commanding a space station. I’m getting too old for this, he thought. Pushing that issue aside, he began preparing for the next task ahead. “Lieutenant,” he said, “prepare the calculations for the Time Jump.”

    “Aye, sir.”