• Silence. Not even the noise of the wind against the trees. No birds chirping, nor the movement of the hunters in the night.The moon shone through the trees, lighting up a patch in the middle where a lone figure sat. Her eyes were closed, paws in her lap and ears up listening and ready for anything.Then a snap of a twig behind her, "s**t." a male voice said, she turns her head, her eyes glowing a soft pale yellow.She grins, showing her canines "Hello there." she almost purrs. She stands up and walks over to him, His eyes go wide at her apperance. Her fur was Jet black, her ears had tufts at the top like a lynx and her leg joints were backwards. He backs up one step, ending up against a tree, he shakes his head "I heard I could come to you for a difficult.. job." She nods, the moonlight glancing off her fur, shoing red hilights in her hair, blood red.She looks him over, blond hair, blue eyes, tall, "Hmm, yes, I do beleive I can help you. Details?" "I believe someone sent assasins to kill me, I need you help taking them out." She thinks for a few seconds "Why do you hide yourself? I can see you file your teeth, contacts to hide the color." he laughs softly, shaking his head.

    To be continued.....