• She slowly crept up to the door and peered inside. There she saw an unknown man hovering over the bed with a bloody knife. As he moved to wash his hands Cloey saw her mom's face as she slowly died. "AHH!" Breathing hard and dripping with sweat from her nightmare, Cloey climbed out of bed and stalked into the bathroom half awake. She had been having the same dream for three months Cloey knew it meant something. Though at the time she was only seven years old when it had happened now she is twenty-one. She had talked to friends, family, doctors, and her therapist. Fourteen years and she still lived in that same house. Every time she entered the room memories of the day her mom died came back to her forcing her to sleep in her old bedroom. As he slowly plunged the knife through her heart saw that same look he saw on her face that he did on all the women he killed. The girl backed away slowly with blood oozing from her chest. After he was sure she was long gone from living he drove her body to the river and disposed of it. Feeling some emotion, besides anger, he felt love and regret. "Why?!", he thought "we could still be together! If she hadn't opened up that file in that stupid box we could still be together! I should have burned that box when I had the chance." Shrugging off the episode that happened when she had found the box, he got in his truck and drove to the diner. "Yea Jane, uhuh, sure I'll meet you there", closing her phone Cloey rolled her eyes. "Why does my little sister have to be so stubborn?!", she yelled at her closed phone. Twenty minuets later a strange familiar walked in and took the empty seat on her left. Meeting his gaze she turned right to talk to her sister. Slightly turning back to the left she kept looking out of the corner of her eye looking at the man while her sister babbled on about her dramatic breakup with her boyfriend. Finally the stranger moved, but to a booth across the room but to where he had a perfect view of Cloey. Her sister noise was just that noise a buzz in her ear that wouldn't go away! "Why can't she find any friends that actually care about her problems. I know I shouldn't be thinking this I mean she’s my sister in all. Well not really my sister after mom died dad adopted because mom was pregnant with a baby girl. So sad but still..." her train of thought was broken off by her sister's "Hey, hello? CLOEY?! are you even listing to me?!" Shocked she answered with a "Uhuh yea. Sorry still tired.", that was the best she could do. "Mhmmm right anyways....". "Check", Jace said. All the time he was there Cloey was the only thing he laid his eyes on that and his food, (which was cold and not cooked all the way). Jace got up and walked past Cloey slipping his number into her purse on to his way to the bathroom. Cloey pulled out of the diner parking lot glad that her sister paid for their meals. Her cell phone started going off. Good it was a red light she reached down into her purse and pulled out her phone along with a mysterious paper. "Hello?", "Hey Cloey..?" "UGH! What is it this time Jane?" "Uhm... never mind bye!"... The line went dead. Curious she opened up the folded paper. She read a name Jace, and his number along with a note it read:

    "Cloey, you probably won't remember me but I am Jace. From your senior year class.
    I am only 6 years older than you. smile I was uhm.. wondering if you weren’t busy or anything you
    could give me a call and hang out like go see a movie or something..
    She dialed the number into her phone and saved it as the cars behind her started honking. She realized that it was a green light. Cloey took off. Tired and hungry she climbed out of her car, unlocked her door and went into the living room to watch TV. Nothing good was on so she turned it off. Hoping to get an answer she called Jace's number. It rang and rang then a tired and scraggily voice picked up. "Hello?" "Uh.. yea hey Jace. This is Cloey. Cloey Shawnfeild. I saw you at the diner earlier." his reply sounded like he for got the whole thing this afternoon at the diner. Shocked he replied. "Hey Cloey.. uh so what’s up?' "Nothing I got your number and you're note about tonight." "Huh? Oh yea that’s right silly of me," he made an attempt to make a laugh instead it came out sounding like a meow. "Right . . . um I wanted to take you up on your offer I was thinking we could see Fast and the Furious.. with Vin Deasal." "Sure it starts at 7 I'll pick you up. Bye" Line went dead. Cloey ran upstairs threw her phone on her bed and got ready for tonight’s movie. "I wonder if I should dress casual or like it's dinner date and movie?" she asked to her tabby cat Flufers. Gave the cat the name when she was fourteen still she doesn’t know why she chose that name, I mean come on there were more interesting names in the world for one single cat to have. So instead of dressing all like fancy dinner date type she dressed in her skinny jeans that were black with purple tiger stripped design and her baggy Nickasaur shirt with her throw over jacket, brushed out her mid-back length hair, straightened it and parted it to where her bangs had fallen over her left eyes. Taking a step back she admired her skinny figure and the lovely lady that glanced back at her. Cloey saw that her make up didn't look too good, so she put on more black eyeliner, but tonight she did it differently she put the eyeliner on her bottom all the way to the corner of her eye and on top of her eyelid, put on more mascara and applied some lip gloss that was cherry flavored. She re-looked over herself in the mirror. Not bad. Nervous he climbed into his truck. "Ewwww what a mess. I doubt Cloey would like to go to the movies in this mess.” Jace said out loud. He climbed back out and clean out his truck added some air freshener, sniffed, and drove off to Cloey's house. Pacing back an forth checking the clock that hung by the door she was wondering where Jace was. "Me-ow-uff", Flufers mewed at her. "No sir! I don't think he would stand me up, I mean you should have seen how HOTT he was and plus the way he looked at me", she said back "Me-row-ow", complained the tired tabby. HONK HONK! She heard the honking of Jace's truck. Cloey locked the door and sprinted to his truck. " Whoa.. you look really nice tonight", Jace blushed. Blushing back to him looking like a fool she said, "Thanks. Um. You too", "Ready to see the movie" he asked her not really wonting to go but kinda did. "Yeah." she lied to him. Having already seen the movie like four times with her sister and friends she was only there to go on her date with Jace hoping everything would turn out perfect. So officially bf/gf? Nah I probably shouldn't think ahead that far, seriously it's only a movie between high school sweethearts that haven’t seen each other in forever. While at the movie’s Cloey noticed that Jace was looking at her in a weird way. The movie ended to early. Jace drove to fast. When they were coming up to a sharp turn and if they didn’t make it they would go flying over the cliff. Jace jumped out of the truck leaving Cloey to her death. Two weeks later they discovered her body and fingerprints on the wheel and on the face of Cloey. When the fingerprints were sent in the found out that is was Jace CarMichale. They also found out that his father killed Cloey's mother. Scence Jace's father was dead of suicide. Jace was locked up in jail for life.