• I'm standing here...
    Watching the way you move..
    Hearing the way you talk...
    And feel the way you feel...

    You can't hear me...
    You can't touch me...
    You can't see me...
    But I can...

    When you are sad ,
    I try to cheer you up...
    Even if I know you can't hear me...
    But i try so hard not to let you sad...

    When you need help ,
    I try to help you...
    Even if I know you can't see me...
    But i try as hard as i can...

    When you are happy ,
    I'm happy too...
    Even if I know you can't feel what i feel...
    But I'll be there for you...

    You can lean on me...
    I will shed your tears...
    And let your burden go away ,
    Until you can't find no one but me...
    Because I'm your angel...