• Chapter 6
    We got dressed the next morning, like yesterday. The other vampires took us out to hunt. And that's where it got ugly.
    "Your wristbands gave us information from yesterday. It says you came in contact with a human?" said one of the vampires.
    "Almost. We went into the bushes before he came into view," Alex replied.
    "Yes. And you went east after a few minutes?" the vampire asked. Alex nodded. "And one of you stopped after a few bounds and turned back?" I nodded at the second question. "It says you came in contact with a human, and took his life."
    Alex turned to me.
    "You killed him?" he asked. I frowned.
    "My diet is mainly human blood. I hoped you would have realized that when you saw my eyes. So when the hunter scraped his arm on the tree, my senses over powered me. I tried to control them, but I couldn't. I'm so sorry for this. For not telling you," I said. I reached out for him, but be backed away. I growled. "You killed a human too."
    "Yes. I did. But Damien wasn't innocent," he said. He glared at me for a second, then stalked off. I watched as he slipped into the bushes.
    "I don't need to hunt," I grumbled.
    They took me back to the base and locked me in the room once again.

    Alex came back from hunting about an hour later.
    "I'm sorry," he said. "I'm a little over reactive of some things. By the way, I love dangerous girls." He winked at me.
    "Then why were you mad at me before?" I asked.
    "I was surprised. I guess I never really paid attention to the color of your eyes. I guess I should have," he said.
    "Yep," I said.
    I walked over to him and help my arms out. He took me in his and pressed his lips to mine. he pulled away to whisper in my ear.
    "I love you," he said. I smiled.
    "So are we okay?" I asked, trailing my fingers down his chest.
    "Only if you want us to be," he answered. "It's completely up to you."
    "Kay," I mumbled. "Forever."
    "Okay. And next time you choose to kill someone, don't tell me. It's really hard to picture you killing for something besides food," he said. I chuckled.
    "I won't," I said, winking. He grinned. "I need you to promise me one thing."
    "Hmm?" he murmured.
    "If you ever see a female that's prettier than me, don't drop everything, including me, just to go flirt with her. Kay?" I said.
    "I won't. I will never love another woman more than you," he vowed. And he started to kiss me again.