• My name is Akira Winchester. I am eighteen years old. Both of my parents died when i was five years old by a demon. I would have been the next one to die, but before the demon could kill me my father sealed it within my right arm. After that day my uncle trained me to kill demons. But when i was fifteen he died of a rare disease. So I decided to travel around and hunt demons. One day while i was traveling around I met Edward Wesker, I call him Ed for short, and we have been traveling around killing demons together. This is the story of my adventures with Ed and other people I soon called friends. It is also the story of how I died.
    It all started like any other day. Ed and I just woke up from sleeping in some abandoned house. "Why can't we just find a normal place to stay for once?" Ed asked. "Because that would involve work and I hate work." I said and then started walking out of the abandoned warehouse. Ed followed after me."So hunting demons is no problem, but a little bit of work would just kill you." he said, walking next to me. "You got it." I said. "You are an idiot." he said. "That may be so, but I am a demon hunting idiot." I said.
    Before I go on I would like to inform you more about this world. Think of it as a parallel world of your own, where demons are constantly killing people. Of course since there are demons, there are demon hunters. Demon hunters are like normal people, in fact think of them as cops. The only difference is we don't get paid. Now there are two types of demon hunters, regular demon hunters like Ed and me, then there are the Demon Hunters. They are the equivelant of the SWAT. They only appear when the situation is to much for normal demon hunters. Demon Hunters is a group of experienced hunters who have either special powers or they are just better at hunting demons than most. Ed and I are both regular demon hunters even though we have talents that could get us both into Demon Hunters we decided that it would be better if we didn't, after all Demon Hunters don't appear unless the situation is dire and people deserve to be protected no matter what the situation. Now to tell you about Ed and myself. Ed is what I call a gunner, the reason being is he uses two guns. Ed is very special in the fact that he can see from miles away, and he can make a bullet trave farther than normal, which is bad for me when we play hide and seek. As for me, I use two swords that my uncle gave me. Not only that but I am also able to use some of the power of the demon in my right arm.
    So there we were walking through the city known as Diamond city, which is the capital city of the Diamond continent. We then came upon a poster, it wasn't to big but it was enough to catch my attention. The poster read "Body guard wanted. Must be a great demon hunter. 500,000 dollar reward if you are able to complete job." Of course at the time I only thought, wow thats a lot of money. So I said, "Hey Ed I just found a way we can make some easy money." Of course he said "It better not involve taking off my clothes and running around like an idiot." "I told you I was sorry, I didn't know the guy who hired us was Catholic." I said. Of course it is best if you do not know what I am talking about. Anyways Ed said,"Alright, but if this ends bad you owe me."
    We walked to the house of the person who was put up the poster. When we got there we knocked on the door ,and a man who was dressed in a tuxedo opened the door and asked," How may I help you?" "We saw the poster and was wondering if the body guard job is still available." I said. The man in the tuxedo stepped back and said,"Please come in." Ed and I walked through the door and tuxedo man shut the door. "Please wait here." tuxedo man said. So as we waited Ed said,"You do realize that this could be very dangerous."When has that ever stopped me?" I said. Then suddenly a beautiful woman started walking down the stairs across from us. She stopped in front of us and said,"So you are the ones that will be my body guards." "Yes" Ed and I said at the same time. "I am so very happy to hear that." she said and gave us a smile so beautiful that I thought i had died and went to heaven. "So what is it you need body guards for?" Ed asked.
    "Well, a demon has been coming into my room every night and tries to kill me, but before it suceeds one of my servants hears my screams and rushes to my room then it is gone." She said while trying not to cry. "So you need us to stay here and wait for the demon to appear again and kill it. Am I right?" I said.
    "Alright we will do it." I said
    "Thank you so much." She said and started to cry.