• I’m accustomed to strange sights, languages, and beings but this didn’t prepare me for my diverted fate. The story behind it is an ongoing one, a portion of a nightmare born out of force then freewill. I can tell you from where I stand now but then you’ll be wondering how it actually started. Well, let me start from the beginning.
    The town I was born in was called Peace Cross after a fallen saint or should I say a martyr . His name had been ban from being said aloud but he left us one important thing, a saying written in stone. During a wave of epidemics, he took it upon himself to engrave these very words in a solitary stone arch: Take heed whoever read these words, understand the strangeness of our world then comprehending one part of our nature. It was vague but made sense to the few who read it often. Eventually, I remain attracted to the stone arch and its saying. Peace Cross had been a traditional area for many years and as the rest of the world adjusted themselves to technology, we tried to hang onto our traditions but it slip through our grasp.
    When technology came to our small town, most forgot they had a good living and great health. They became obsess with perfection and fashion that fewer retain their hold on the past. Unfortunately, I was the only one who accepted the past for what it was and rejected the present. It didn’t mean I was oblivious to what was going on around in the once natural world of Peace Cross. I accepted my flawed beauty as others had in the past and valued the traditions of morals, concepts, aspects, and various proper teachings of life.
    My family mainly consisted of philosophers, scholars, artists, writers, witches, alchemists, healers, blacksmiths, and explorers. The family line on both sides were equals through thick and thin while other waver then fell apart. Our nature was strong in spirit, intelligent, achievers of various skills, and quick adaptation. Yet again, I’m the last of them. The rest died of extremely old age, epidemics, and unjustified acts of killings. We were always different, willing to accept the strange and the normal but took no sides or got involve in unnecessary causes. The town had punished us for that since they were unwilling to accept the truth our multisided nature as human beings. A sad world Peace Cross became with technology, lost in thoughts not their own but manufactured words of high authority who viewed them as nothing more then tools to expand and convert traditions to false notions. This all may seem harsh but it’s the truth I speak then the lies created out of pollution and false preaching.
    Back to the solitary stone arch, the only standing link to the past of Peace Cross, I stood looking upon the words and thinking about what may lay beyond them. A deeper meaning to which they stood for more then the stone arch itself and the wavering link of the past. Reading the words aloud, I felt at peace even though it disturb me the strange feeling in my heart told me to walk through the arch itself. I did what my heart and mind felt right then step through to a different world.
    A world so natural that the very air was sweet and pure with the smell of flowers and seasons passed. The sprawling landscapes expanded on their own freewill beyond sight with lofty heavens and fertile earth. The stone arch behind me had dark scarlet climbing roses with dark green stems and leaves that faced a lofty mountain range. The trees around me on both sides stood tall with pride as their branches reach for the heavens, where birds flew with such grace I couldn’t help but wonder how they could fly that way.
    “Hello there, where did you come from?” a voice said, appearing between two tall oaks. I turn in the direction of the voice to see an Adonis of man looking at me with a smile on his face. His amber-topaz eyes shone with a friendly gleam in them as he step completely out from behind the trees. “Don’t be fool by the serenity here, there’s a dark side underneath.” I smile then reply, “I know but its so beautiful here.” He grins then said, “so are you, maiden.” I ran my hand through my hair then stop when I felt there was something different about it. My greeter saw my reaction and led me to a pristine pond and saw a different me. “How this could be?” I ask my reflection and the stranger answer, “here in Mirror Reflection, flaws are remove, kept inside, and the perfect image takes place on the outside.” I look his reflection and saw nothing; odd. “My name is Brazenthorn and yours?” he continue sitting down beside me.
    There was something about his movement, too graceful to be human ,yet, I could be wrong about that. Anyway, Brazenthorn look at me with a smile on his face and his eyes studying my new features. “Annabel Tigress.” I reply, looking away from my reflection. “It’s nothing to ashamed of, Anna. Beauty in itself is natural for each of us here.” I gave him a baffle expression then saw something move through the trees behind Brazenthorn. “My assigned mate, Pond Lily. She always looking for me when I’m gone too long.” A sly smile came over his face then got up and dart through the nearby trees startling his mate.
    “Beast, Brazenthorn. This is Mirror Reflection, not the dark side of it.” Pond Lily snaps as Brazenthorn pull her through the trees with him. “Don’t go sneaking about after me. I’ll return on my own accord .” Pond Lily swivel her head around to look at me then ask, “who is she?” He flung her aside and stood over her with an impassive look on his face. “Anna, her name is Anna. Don’t worry, we’re only friends.” He rolls his eyes as Pond Lily got to her feet and started to approach me. He put out a protective arm then said, “just because you’re my assigned mate doesn’t mean you have to be hostile. After all, that would be contradicting yourself.”
    Turning his back to her, I got to my feet and started to leave. Brazenthorn firmly grab my shoulder and I stop. “Stay, Anna. Pond Lily is of a jealous sort but me, I mean you no harm.” Pond Lily closes her eyes then said, “you sound like a beast, Brazenthorn. They’re the ones who promise such things and why do you want this mortal goddess to stay?” I gave her a look of disbelief then saw a dark look come across his face. “Who are you to judge Anna? She came here through the stone arch to get away from her own world. You could at least show some respect for her, brat bred.” He quickly cover up his mouth and close his eyes. Pond Lily lower her eyes to the ground then walk up to him and quietly said, “you’re not of the dark part, Brazenthorn. It’s my fault that I upset you like this.”
    I walk pass them toward the stone arch to bump into another figure that appear out of nowhere. Brazenthorn had his other arm around Pond Lily’s shivering shoulders as his eyes slowly open and look at me. They were different from earlier, much colder and secretive then readable. I turn my attention back to the newcomer only to find myself facing a dark curtain of unconsciousness. When I awoke, I found myself under a light cover in a sunlit room. “You’ll have to forgive my daughter, she’s irrational like the rest. Brazenthorn, however, he’s a mystery but has a good head on his shoulders.” someone said, entering the room. I sat up then turn slightly to look at whoever enter the brightly lit room. “Cask is my name, you met my daughter, Pond Lily. I found you laying on our garden bench. Brazenthorn was kneeling next to you, concern about you but my daughter has come up missing.”
    “Missing? How could she come up missing?” Cask limp over to the bed, where I was laying on facing the large circular window. “Its rare around here but my only daughter is missing. Brazenthorn, she awake!” I heard hurried footsteps across the natural wooden floors and saw Brazenthorn gently push Cask aside. “Anna, I’m glad to see you’re well. I can’t say much for Pond Lily, she’s missing.” A sudden realization hit me and I look at Cask’s wounded leg. “A dark got me. Normally, one alone would kill one of us but I haven’t seen one in centuries.” I lay back down as Brazenthorn went over to the window. Cask left leaving me alone with Brazenthorn, who seem to be smiling. “What are you smiling about?” I ask him as he turn his head to look at me. Brazenthorn close his eyes as the off white clouds covered the sun then open them again to look at me fully. I hadn’t noticed him turn around completely but there was something different about his eyes. They seem darker, colder, and impassive that I quickly got to my feet. “I see you noticed my eyes. You’re right about your guess, I’m of the Dark Mirror Reflection. The one you met, he been waiting for you.”
    He hadn’t made a move when I got up but something told me to watch my back. “How’s that?” I ask, pushing shimmering hair strands from my face. He smile and reply, “truly a goddess.” He was changing the subject on me. “You kill her, did you? I can’t believe I almost trusted you.” Brazenthorn got up, walk over to me, and stood before me that I couldn’t move in any direction. “In your world, your imperfections are noticeable but here, the true beauty comes out. When you look into the pond, I prefer your appearance here then the imperfection.”
    I sat down on the soft bed, my waist long golden hair with its glossy sheen waves bounce lightly when the ends touch the cover. “Fair of skin, sapphire blue eyes, and natural glow truly does make you goddess. Here, you can have it all. Besides, I prefer you over Pond Lily.” He took a step back and I quickly ran out of the room right into the same figure out in the forest. “I’ll let you escape this time, Silver Rose but eventually you’ll come back.” This had to be the true form of the Dark ones, tall and quick with their lean bodies as one big muscle. “My name is Annabel Tigress, not Silver Rose. Who are you?” He smiles then replies, “Brazencrown and you met my son, Brazenthorn but Silver Rose will be your name when you return here.”
    He step aside and I ran all the way to the stone arch. There was hardly anybody on the perfect streets or active in the multilayered buildings. I was through the arch before I knew and shiver in the night of my own world. Fall had arrived as I breath in the night air and went straight home. Afterwards, the whole night seem a blur and in the morning, I ran my hand through my mid-back, medium honey blonde hair that ran straight instead of curly waves. My eyes were hazel, eyelashes medium length, and skin the basic fair tone. I couldn’t believe it, Brazenthorn killed Pond Lily and pretended to be the good guy but he did a good job of it.
    Heading into the city, I can’t really call it a town anymore, I saw people looking at me. “Do you see her, the one in the flannel jacket? Who is she?” I heard boys ask one another and girls asked, “what does she do to keep that natural glow about her skin? How can she pull off that tomboy look in that jacket?” I felt expose in public but I went on till I found a quiet library. An elderly librarian saw me, nod her head, then went back to what she been doing. Heading off to the farthest corner, I close my eyes and fell asleep.
    I was woken up by books tumbling from the tall bookcases and saw the cause of the noisy disturbance. Ricky the troublemaker, no surprise he would disrupt the peaceful atmosphere of a library. “Ricky, over here.” I yell out to him and got his full attention. When he got close enough, I took off running toward the closed Children Section. The moment I stop, he kept on running till he realize too late that he should have stop. He lay unconscious on the dusty cushions, groaning at a forming headache after ramming his head into the cushioned wall.
    “Oh my, he’s hurt.” his girlfriend said, after they got him onto a gurney. Nobody pay no attention, which was what I wanted and hurry out of the crowded library. Outside, nighttime had replace the day bringing with it nippy air more like winter then fall. I didn’t mind since this type of weather kept night owls, muggers, and late night people inside to keep warm. I simply had to let my body adjust to the coldness and I’m on my way. At home, I curl up with a good book then fell asleep with it over my stomach as snow fell outside. My mind went back to the good times of Peace Cross when the air was cleaner and pure. There was forest for miles and miles with wonderful ruins that contain tons of history of the past. Every season brought with it some form spiritual cheer that children rejoice at new beginnings to old ends of past years. The fire burn in the fireplace for hours and if it went out, there was a nice, warm sheep lined blanket close at hand.
    Stirring in my sleep, a feeling of warmth chase the slight chill away and I awoke to see fleeing shadow out my front door. I was about to get up when I spy a wrapped object on the small coffee table. Unwrapping it carefully, I found myself staring the perfect image of me as the silver roses’ border gleam in the last glowing ember in the small fireplace. They wouldn’t let me forget, the perfect image and my new name if I return through the stone arch. The mirror I held was larger then the size of my hand spread out, no handle but border of silver roses.
    Instead of fall, Peace Cross experienced two whole winters of bitter chills and high rate of colds and flu. Some even died from pneumonia, hypothermia, and frostbite from long exposure in the snow. I only went out to get supplies in bulk, read, made warm meals, and slept soundly while the rest of Peace Cross suffer. What could I do to help them when I too far from the city? They wouldn’t accept my help, even if I offer it free of charge so I just let them fend for themselves.
    By the time the two heavy winters were over, I got a wake up call in the middle of the night. It was Brazenthorn in his Adonis human guise that crept into the small home and kidnap me. I woke up when he enter the other side of the stone arch and him smiling down at me. Unfortunately, I couldn’t stay awake as he forced me to drink some sweet liquid that put me out fast. My senses went numb and all I could hear was the distance sounds of strange words.
    When I open my eyes again, I felt a little weak but quickly recovered as I look about the strange room. It had a high ceiling that led up into another areas with arched windows around the rotunda shape. The walls were sandstone smoothed out, furniture natural polished woods: oak, maple, pine, cedar, and birch, tall bookshelves filled to the brim with books, several round stone arch doors with lavender-lilac curtained openings, and a large circular hanging bed. The silky rose pink drape were tied back with golden cords as I look up a large mirror reflecting the silver rod and the rest of the bed. Sitting up, I saw that the rest of the room was circular, floor fashioned in descending and ascending steps, square blue glass candle holders positioned around the room at equal distances, and other furniture you expect to find in a fairytale room of a child. I got out from under the silk, cotton, linen, wool, and velvet bedding with its plush pillows and cushions onto the creamy white marble floor. I was at the very center of the room that they clearly design for me.
    “Like it, Silver Rose?” Brazencrown ask, appearing out of nowhere. “What did you did you do to me?” I ask him back. He looked exactly like his son, tall and lean in human form with the Adonis appearance their kind favored. The same amber-topaz eyes and shoulder-length golden-red hair that gave off a fiery appearance in light. “Your beauty is no longer flawed except for your mindset since that would be a violation on our honor and your person. No, we just erase the imperfect foundation on the outside and move your natural earthly beauty to the inside, improve your immunity, didn’t touch your family’s inherited special abilities, and forever encrypted the celestial beauty into your genetic makeup. Basically, we just perfected the outside, a little inside but pretty much, you’re still you.”
    He flourish his reply with a whimsical smile that I wish he wouldn’t do often when it sent a ripple of disgust through me. Brazenthorn came through one of the doorways with their mirror gift in hand. He threw it on the bed where it landed on a plush silk cushion. “Everything here, father. There’s no existence of Silver Rose in Peace Cross. Her home, however, I put in this palm-sized glass orb.” He toss it to me and I saw that the entire landscape was captured as well as I turn it around in my hand. “Nice touch but how did the entire landscape in here?” I ask, putting it beside the mirror. Brazencrown grin then replies, “that’s our little secret, Silver Rose. Don’t worry, you’ll be seeing more of me after I pull your world into this one.”
    I look at him in disbelief which got me another whimsical smile that I had to refrain from saying anything else. He took my silence as his cue to go while Brazenthorn stay behind with uneasy expression on his face. “My father is the strangest one among us, yet, the most advanced warrior that he surpasses gods in powers. Though I would like to deny it, I’m pretty much like him but I got a lot to learn, Anna.” he gave me an assuring smile then follow after his father.
    Sitting down on the bed, I straighten my long, cotton, beige nightgown and look at myself in the hand mirror. To think, any female would kill to have the perfect image of themselves plaster over their flawed beauty. Yet, I got accustomed to it after thinking about it for a little bit longer then set the mirror aside. Cask came limping in, smile, and sat down beside me. “I should have known but he still has a good head on his shoulders. His father was the one that got me, yet, after thinking about that day, he saved my life from being crush to death. Those of the Dark are an odd community of beings, keeping to themselves yet defending what is theirs with unpredictable minds.” I gave him a smile and reply, “you’re right but sometimes we question beings like them.”
    A slight rumbling caught my attention that I chose one of the opening and found myself outside with Brazenthorn. “Glad you could join us.” he said, looking at me sideways. The way he say ‘us’ brought to attention the other eyes looking at me from every direction. Definitely a large community of them alright, males with their Adonis appearances and the females with goddesses’ beauty. The mountains where the stone arch face transform into an ordinary mountains but arch waver then disappear somewhere. “It’s in your room, Silver Rose. Who more deserving then you to possess such a powerful portal to anywhere in the worlds?” Brazencrown said, turning around to look at me with a smile on his face.
    Brazenthorn usher me back inside as the rest of his people scatter in wispy clouds of smoke to parts of Mirror Reflection. I came to face out they were going to protect me from the people of my world and keep an eye on the ones who were born here. “Better get dress, we want to get a good look at your new home.” Brazenthorn said, going through the wardrobe that held my new clothes. He look ridiculous looking at every dress and article of clothing while talking to himself. “Catch, Anna.” I look up in time to see several pieces coming straight at me that I automatically caught before they touch the floor. “Nice catch, now get dress.” He left, not the least bit creep out at touching female clothing like most males would.
    A simple lightweight cotton dress of ivory that reached my ankles with beige wrapped skirt, off-white corset that laced on the sides, flowing quarter length sleeves, and a high swoop neckline. Yet, there was a pair of ivory mid-forearm fingerless gloves trim in gold thread and matching flats to complete the almost all white outfit. “Perfect for your first appearance in public, now come on.” I follow him out, nearly bumping into his father who had a bad habit of appearing out nowhere. “My, truly a goddess among humans.” His flattery could get a bit bothersome but that was probably part of his nature or theirs if I took the others in consideration.
    Stepping aside, Brazenthorn and I went into the busy streets of Mirror Reflection. Around us, I could hear people whispering about me in ways that I wanted to disappear. “That can’t be her, she even more beautiful then before.” Brazenthorn heard them, too. When one got to close or staring at me too long, he either gave them a glaring look or hold them back with his sword. We had been walking and talking for hours then he came to a sudden stop. “You hungry?” he asks, gesturing toward the little shop he stopped in front of him.
    I nod my head then he led me into the nestled shop that smelt of freshly baked pastries. “Hello, welcome to Angel Sweet Shop. Look around and let me know if you see anything you like to try or take home.” She was older then me, twenty to thirty at the least with fair skin, gray eyes, a serene face, and petite body. She wore a long loose blue cotton dress with quarter length sleeves and a white apron over it. Her long blonde hair pull back in a braid, tied off with a blue silk ribbon, and few loose strands tumbling in silky waves around the sides of her face.
    Brazenthorn push me between the shoulders gently then said, “go ahead, look.” The shopkeeper smiles then went to the backroom, where an oven was going and rich smells drifted into the shop area. An old-fashioned copper and glass display reveal several mouth-watering pastries glazed in thin sheets of honey, sprinkle with nuts, and filled with tons of rich fruits mixtures. “Excuse me, can I try samples of the ones in this display case?” She appear from the backroom and nod her head.
    “Sure, just let me get a clean plate for the samples.” she said, disappearing back into the aromatic backroom. “Brazenthorn, why did you exactly stop here?” He didn’t answer, just look out the transparent floral curtains that had been parted to let the sunlight in from outside. “Here we go, tell me what you think.” I sample each one of the tiny cubes, easily identifying their fruit flavoring. “These are…very good.” Brazenthorn turn away from the window and address the shopkeeper, “pack a dozen. Silver Rose, you choose.” I pointed out the ones I like to take home and she bow her head then gently pack an assorted dozen in an ivory box lined with rose colored paper. “Thank you for coming, Silver Rose. It’s been a pleasure to meet you.” Brazenthorn usher me to the door then went back to talk to the shopkeeper. I could barely hear what they were saying but remain next to the closed door and waited for him to return to my side. Brazenthorn and the shopkeeper, who name was Maple smile at each other then he came back over to me with a grin on his face.
    “What was that all about?” I ask when we were outside. “You’ll see tomorrow morning. For now, just enjoy your treats as the walk through town.” The rest of the day went well as I share my treats with him , talk about anything that came to mind, and ignore the people whispering around us. Brazenthorn was actually like his father in his younger years, scholarly and dangerous. By the time we got back to the grand castle of gleaming white marble with brass copper spires, inside wooden metal ramparts on the highest two areas at top, a large lavished courtyard surrounded by round arches of sandstone, and gothic inside design, it was nighttime.
    “Just in time for dinner, Silver Rose. Son, how did it go?” I took my leave as the two talked at the one of the many front entrances. Sitting down at the sturdy oak table with clawed feet and elaborate table design, I ate the small feast they lay out in front of me on fine gold trays. I drank of a fancy garnet bejeweled silver goblet with a bell-shaped top and slender candleholder bottom. Every servant remain silent as I ate, took empty trays away, refill my goblet with rich flavored juices, and step back into the shadow. It’s not that I took advantage of them but Brazencrown insisted I get the best then the worst of everything.
    When I was done, father and son had already went to bed and the servants taken the last of the dinner away. They wiped the table clean, say good-night to me , and went back to their sleeping chamber next to the kitchen underneath the castle. I went straight to my washroom and washed up before getting dressed for bed. At night, Mirror Reflection fell silent as people slept soundly in their homes, shops closed, and seem empty in its perfection. Getting underneath the mixed bedding, I went to sleep dreaming about nothing.
    The next morning, Brazenthorn enters with an ivory box with lilac scented paper inside with freshly bake, fruit filled, pastries. “You’ll be getting a freshly baked dozen each morning, courtesy of Maple.” He said, putting the treats on a small table next to my bed. I sat up in bed and Brazenthorn smile at me. Groaning, I straighten my long hair and the top part of my nightgown. “No need for that, Silver Rose. You’re beautiful in any way we see you.” Brazencrown said, entering through a curtained opening then appearing out of nowhere. A silent message pass between the two and I knew something was up. It wasn’t the cheerful feeling but a dreadful one that took its time to unfold, which meant they were buying time for someone important, someone of higher power.