• The bitterness that builds. Sour. Knifes that clash. Tongues that bicker. Love that is broken. Hearts never to be held tight again. Voices left for sorrow. Hearts left in pieces. Friends left to die, people left to scream, family left to kill, kids left for abuse, lives left to live, lives left to parish. Voices heard in a distance, never to be followed. Screams to be forgotten. Tears left to sink. Hearts left too die. Voices left to say one last thing ‘good-bye’. Children left to parish in fires. Fathers, mothers, families, left to grief.
    These are things of war, out world doing these things, divorce, abuse, war, and plenty more. We cannot prevent them. Help. Do something. Prevent these sins. Do not let them happen. Do not let lives get ruined for some dumb reasons. Listen to meaningful things. Always remember help yourself last not first.