• Its cold...so cold. I hug my legs closer to my body, my forehead resting on my knees. A chilling breeze scampers across the concrete floor, wrapping itself around my ankles. The chains around my stomach hurts. Everything's so dark and lonely here..
    There was a large bang. I slightly tilted my head towards the noise. Far off in the corner, on top of the stairs, the door burst open showing a bright yellow light that pierced the shadows. Music echoed through the room along with the laughter and roars of humans.
    "Aye! why'd ya push me eh?!" A man yelled out "I almost fell down to my doom! That evil little devil girl would have swallow me whole!"
    "Only if she likes extra grease hair on her food!" A different man called out. There was an explosion of laughter as the first man began to curse loudly in anger. The door slammed shut, bringing back the empty silence. I closed my eyes. Im so hungry..so...hungry...

    There was a laughter, an evil laughter that mimicked the course of the wind. The sky and the ground was a dark purple void, mute. I was floating on an ocean that runs endlessly. I stare at my reflectionless self in the water.
    What do I look like? I said in my mind.
    A monster. The wind replied. An evil monster with fangs that could puncture human bones, eyes the color of your victims blood, hair the color of pure ice that flows like a river, and two raven horns that grows from your skull to mark you, a demon.

    I woke up lying on the floor. There was a loud gasp then scampering footsteps. I coughed as I tried to sit back up. There was a strange scent coming from up ahead. I tilted my head back a little and sniffed the air. It smells unusual, I couldnt identify it. I got on my knees and hands then reached out with my right arm. Nothing, I touched nothing, but I can smell it. I pushed my body forward but the chains wrapped around my stomach connected to the wall behind me. It hurts so much, my body feels like its ripping apart. Hungry...but im so hungry. I stretched my arm out as far as I could then I felt something. My fingertips touched it, it was smooth and thin, but I couldnt grab it. Only the very tip of my finger could touch the edge of it. Useless...I cant grab it..the plate..its too far away. I curled up into a ball and cried.
    im so hungry...

    read the next part