• Before I became the way I did, motionless and feared by all, I was independent and a warrior. Kids visit my sight every now and then, they point and say "No one goes in there because they all know she's there." I don't blame the kids for not knowing I was there but their words did hurt. Mom comes occasionally and cries until she's tired and decides to leave. Now that I have nothing I do everything I can about it.

    Today is the 1st day of spring and the flowers are in bloom all across the grave. Even the dim and scary parts of the grave have cherry blossoms flowing through the air. As the gate creaked open, mom's heels clicked against the pavement as she made her way to her usual spot. "Morning Anita." She said dully. A fine vase with a red satin bow tied around the neck held clear and cold water with roses and tulips inside. "These are for you." She said laying them down on the dirt center. After doing her routine she sat at the bench over looking the empty pond. "I remember when you were just a little girl, you slipped and fell into this very pond. Oh you cried and cried because you got muck all over yourself." Even though mom couldn't tell, I sat right next to her on the bench looking at the pond at the same spot where I fell. She waved goodbye and headed out the gate. Three little girls came in from church dressed in fine dresses. They came to the pond and sat there quietly, their heads turned toward me. "A girl! See if she'll have lunch with us." Said the middle child. "You go ask her!" Said the oldest. "I will!" The youngest agreed. She struggled to get up my way and ask with her big brown eyes. "Girl, will you have lunch with us?" She said. I nodded and turned to see her two sisters dance around a grave with two girls names on it and disappear. The girl next to me had disappeared as well. Had they been ghosts. Who knows?