• I stand here, and watch her. She's crying. My beloved is crying. Those pure tears staining her beautiful cheeks. Please, don't cry anymore. I know that just watching her is no use. It will not change anything, but why can't I stop? Lily, I am sorry I left you all alone.....

    I first met Lily at a park. She was sitting on a park bench. She looked like a guardian angel. Her brown hair, and teal eyes glowed with an indescribable light. I remember I couldn't breathe at that moment. I was too shocked/shy to go up to her, but then she lifted that angelic face towards mine and smiled. I knew at that moment that I loved, Lily.

    Lily, was always by my side, and I, by hers. My family was messed up. My father, and mother slept & married with different people. I had so many step-siblings that I didn't even know half of them. Nothing was stable in my life. Not school. Not my friends. Not even family. The only one I had was Lily, but I destroyed all that.....

    This girl I knew had been clinging to me a lot lately. One day I had found her alone on the roof of our school. I had asked her what was wrong. She then turned towards me, and asked "What do you live for?" Her question had caught me off guard. I secretly did not know how to answer that. "I'm not sure." I said. "I see.... I don't know either," she replied. All of a sudden she had poured out her whole life story to me. It was hard to see this usually cheerful girl be so depressed. I don't know why I did it, but I pulled her close to me. Somehow, we kissed. Right then & there, I hated myself. I had done the worst crime ever. I had forsaken, Lily.

    After that incident I avoided Lily completely. I was so disgusted with myself. Lily, came up to me after school, and asked "What's wrong, Leo? Why do you keep avoiding me?" I stayed silent for a while, and swallowed my saliva. "I want to break up." "Why?!" Lily said shocked. "I....I...don't.....deserve you." I said quietly and walked away. When I got out of school I ran as fast as I could. I had to get away, away from my angel. I went to a forest, and cried for a long time. My heart was shrieking in pain.

    That week after the break up I could no longer think, see, or hear clearly. Everything was clouded by my tears, and pain. How could I have done that to my, Lily? I had cried for the entire day. Nothing matters anymore. Only this guilt I feel.

    When I got to the subway station with my friends we waited for the train. My friends were worried since they had no idea what was going on with me. I wanted to get as far away from my friends as possible. Don't touch me with your kindness. My heart felt so heavy. Oh, so very heavy. I heard the train coming closer. .......Please, forgive me, Lily.