“You don’t understand, Demyx. I know what- or actually, whom I saw. She was Lexa, my little sister. I’m sure of it.” I tried to explain to my friend, who was busy strumming his sitar. “Well, you shouldn’t have been there in the first place. You could be mistaken.” I sighed, shaking my head at his denial. I was at the castle in The World That Never Was now; it was a different world from Twilight Town. I had called it home ever since I left the one with my family. “Besides, it’s been what- ten years since you saw her? How do you know for sure?”
“I don’t. It’s just a feeling that I have.” Just then, my other friend, Roxas, walked into the room. “Hey, Axel. Demyx. Where were you earlier today? Xemnas was looking for you.” I shot a look at Demyx, but he seemed to know nothing. “I was…. Out.” The way he looked at me automatically told me that he didn’t buy my excuse, but he took it anyway. “Aren’t you gonna-“ Demyx started, but I elbowed him in the ribs to get him to shut up, but it was too late. “Going to what? Axel, if you could tell Demyx, you can tell me.” Roxas said. It was easier talking to Demyx about it, because he knew of it from word-of-mouth. Roxas, being a new member, never found out.
“What was that, Xemnas? Okay, I’m coming!” Demyx yelled to himself before leaving the room. “Demyx, no one called you!” I yelled after him, a hint of anger lingered in my voice. In the distance (that boy can run) I could barely hear him yell, “Good luck, Axel!” I turned back to look at Roxas, who seemed even more confused. “Okay, okay. Ten years ago, before I joined the Organization, I used to live in Twilight Town. I had a little sister named Lexa, and…. I just saw her for the first time in ten years today.” I stayed silent, waiting for Roxas’ reaction to my short little life story. He smiled, and shook his head. “Why didn’t you want to tell me this? Did you think I wouldn’t understand?” I was surprised at his response. I really did think that he wouldn’t fully understand, but this was Roxas that I was talking to. “Yeah, you’re right. I don’t know what I’m thinking. But just seeing her again… it hurt to not be able to tell her who I was.” Roxas gave me a bit of a sad look, realizing how I must have felt earlier today.
“Axel. I heard about your little side mission while you were in Twilight Town earlier. That wasn’t a very good idea on your behalf.” I heard a voice say. Just moments later, a portal of black, swirling darkness appeared in my room, and Saïx entered my room through it. His yellow eyes glared at me with malice. The large ‘X’ shaped scar on his forehead reminded me once more that he was not a force to be reckoned with. “Hello, Saïx. To what do I owe the pleasure?” I asked, acting completely innocent. His scowl didn’t falter, and he only turned his gaze away from me to consult Roxas. “Roxas, I suggest that you leave.” My friend took his advice and left the room, but not before giving me a look that told me that he was sorry.
“Axel, how many times have we told you? Your loyalties lie with the Organization. You made your decision when you left ten years ago.” With that he left without another word, leaving me alone once more, just like the day I had first arrived.
I sat on the Twilight Town train station clock tower, overlooking the entire town. This was where I usually came to sort out my problems and thoughts. “Alex… was that really you that I saw earlier?” I asked, though I knew that no one would answer me. “Hey, isn’t it a bit lonely up here? Or dangerous, even?” I turned to my left to see a boy, about fifteen, walking toward me. “No, in fact, I come up here to be alone.” I stated, doing my best to hide my slight irritation. It seemed to work, to my dismay, as the boy came closer to me. “So, I see you met Axel earlier?” He asked, and I was saddened to know exactly whom he was talking about. “Oh, you know him? H-he looked more like an ‘Alex’ to me…” I said, stating my opinion.
To my surprise, he sat down next to me, and I temporarily lost my train of thought as I stared into his bright blue eyes. His dirty blonde hair was in a messy, cowlick style, and for a moment, I forgot how to breathe. “I’m Roxas, by the way.” Roxas. A perfect name for this boy who decided to come to me. To answer my questions. I snapped out of my little delusion, and finally reminded myself to breathe before I passed out. “Roxas? Have I seen you around here before?” I asked, realizing that I had never met this boy before. I could tell that he was surprised by this question, but he didn’t clearly show it.
“No. You haven’t…” He seemed to be struggling for words, as if he was afraid to say the wrong thing. I decided to quickly change the subject before things got worse. “So, you know this Axel guy. He seemed to scare off Seifer.” I said sounding impressed. Before he could answer, though, I heard voices yelling toward us. “Hey, Lexa!” Hayner’s voice stood out clearly from the others, and we both looked down to see Hayner, Pence, and Olette staring up at us. I looked over toward Roxas, but he was gone. “That’s odd… I didn’t even hear him leave…”
Lexa/Alex/Axel part 3
This is part three of the story, where we partially get to see Axel's point of view. I absolutely love Demyx at this part, and I think that it fits him well. Toward the end it goes back to Lexa's view, and she has a meeting with a certain someone.
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