• Samantha's POV
    Why was I doing this again, oh yeah, because I 'loved' Jason. But, at this point, I wasn't so sure. I watched him sleep, and heard him mutter something,
    "Sammy!" he almost screamed, "Sam... Julia?" his sleeping voice sounded a bit confused. Who was Julia any way? He turned bright red and turned over. I rolled my eyes and went back to thinking.
    Why did I love Jason? He was always a bully to me. And another thing, he was a killer. Did I even like him? I pictured me and him together walking down a hall way, and, despite myself, grimaced. I didn't think I loved him any more. I just... couldn't picture myself saying it.
    "I love Jason." I mumbled. It didn't sound right any more. Maybe I didn't love him any more. Maybe now I could be free of myself. That sounded right, "I am free of you, Jason Cunningham! I am free." it sounded VERY right.

    Jason's POV
    I dreamed it was Samantha and Julia, my fourth grade crush, just, you know... standing there. Then Samantha kissed me, and I kissed her back. But when I opened my eyes it was Julia. I blushed and ran. It wasn't like ME to blush. It was a weird dream, I guess. When I woke up Sam was asleep, curled up into a little ball. Her hair was this weird red color, but there were little streaks of blond and brown hidden in there.
    "I think I'm falling for her. A demon. A demon who kidnapped me." I thought out loud as I ran my fingers through my hair and closed my eyes again. And for some reason... I didn't shiver like usual. I had to tell her in the morning. I mean, what did I have to lose? I knew she liked me, too!
    Samantha tapped me on the shoulder,
    "Eh, you! Time to get up. We've got to get movin'." she said, "I smell trackers."
    "And trackers are?" I asked getting up and rubbing my a**.
    "People that kill demons for cash." she rubbed her fingers together and turned around, "s**t! They're getting closer. Jump in!" she opened her arms in a circle and offered me a ride for when she ran. I shook my head and she grabbed me.
    "Hey, Sam... I think I'm falling for you."
    "Ha! That's ironic considering I don't feel for you anymore." Oh s**t. She just rejected me. She just... flat out said no. Now I felt stupid. I shouldn't have been so mean to her.
    "Oi! Demon. Come 'ere!" a new voice shouted

    Sammmy's POV
    I turned my head in the direction of the demon hunter's voice. There was a good chance I was going to die. I didn't want to. I had to save Jason. The man had black hair and shining hazel eyes,
    "Listen, I'll make it quick if you just put the boy down."
    "No! Seriously she's saving me from her parents, mister. So, yeah. You can leave. She's good." the hunter laughed,
    "She's going to kill you and you're going to let her?" I wasn't going to kill him.
    "He's telling the truth." I said putting the boy down and walking slowly towards the hunter, I made my way towards him walking in miniature circles and gradually rising higher into the air until I was casually gliding above the ground and kicking at his head. The hunter grabbed one of my feet and swung me into a tree. I let out a cry of pain but went back at him, this time spitting acid into his face. He cried as I swung another blow at him. With that, I flew. I wasn't going to kill him, that would be cruel.