How it started

    Do you believe in magic? What about demons and angels? Or fairies and nymphs? Well I do, I know it is real. How do I know? Well that is because I live in the world of magic, which is far different than the others say. So who am I? My name is Mythica Manoria. Sometimes my friends call me Cat. This is because I am half cat...err, well cat demon, actually. My other half? Caught that did you? It is something that requires a lot of control – a whole lot – and loves the night, with a slightly curbed appetite. I bet you have guessed what my other half is already. My other half is a vampire. That is right, a blood drinking, fast running, vampire.
    I am considered a half-breed, although there are many of my kind. I am over three hundred years old and have lived in the forest most of my life, so I guess I would not have met them. All this begins my journey…my story…my life…my world.
    My mother was a well respected…err…woman. She was a Duchess, Duchess Cynthiana. She was almost like the head of the clan, for Cynthiana was a pureblood vampire; she came from a long line of purebloods. Although she was highly respected, she was also hated by some. This was because she had mated…outside of her species. This did not please the clan, but many respected her enough to look the over it. This man is my father and his name is Higura. Higura is the Demon God. He can create any demon he wants to.
    I am not sure if they were in love or not, because for the longest time, I did not know he was my father. My father was bashed on the head one day while he was in our world, by a man named Andimiyon. He had told my mother that Higura had left and did not want her anymore. At the time, Higura had to go back to his place of dwelling until he could visit again. Cynthiana believed that Higura had left her, and fell to Andimiyon for comfort. Andimiyon happened to be a cat demon and a leader of his pack nonetheless. He loved my mother to the point that he left his pack to live with her in Manoria Manor.
    The clan was appalled, but she did not care. After he moved in, no one said another word about it. After a while, Andimiyon and Cynthiana were engaged to be married. When Cynthiana found that she was with child, she was both happy… and enraged. She knew the child was Higura’s offspring, but she never said a word. Andimiyon was overwhelmed with joy, for he thought the babe was his. I was born in the fall of September the eighth of seventeen eighty-one. I was half vampire and half cat demon. Though my tail and ears had not developed yet, my eyes had proven the demonics within me. How I was a cat demon was a miracle, since my birth father was the demon god and I could have come out part wolf for all my mother knew.
    But, no, I came unto the world looking as if I had been Andimiyon’s child. Not once did mother tell him the truth. Nor did she even tell me. So I grew up thinking that my Birth father was with me, and that he was part of my life’s blood. Mother had shown her dislike in me since the beginning. Because I looked more like Higura, she saw me less and less as I grew older. As an infant she would see me once a day to tend to me. The older I grew the less I saw of her, with the exceptions of balls and parties. The more mature I grew, the more I changed.