• "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!" Sakura's shout echoed through the house. Her mother's voice echoed up the stairs; "Sakura, are you okay up there? I though i heard shouting"
    "Im fine mom!" She shouted into a pillow this time. She could not stop thinking about him! Kinin was always on her mind. She could'nt stop thinking about him! Was something wrong with her? She absolutely hated him, he was so obnoxious! But then why the hell did she feel like this? Sakura burried her head in her hands, then noticed the telephone. "maybee Aruki can take my mind of him..." She murmered, dialing her best freinds number in. Hey! Aruki's voice came out of the phone, "aruki, hey!" Sorry im not home. Please leave a message, and if its syaoran, leave me alone you stalker! beeeeeep! The machine ended. "aruki, hey, its saku. I need to talk so call back before i go insane!" Sakura slamed the phone down on the reciever and ran her hands through her hair. School was in fifteen minutes. She went to the closet and grabbed a pair of jeans and a black tee with a silver tiger printed on the front. Tossing this on she threw her long black hair into a ponytail and grabbed a slice of toast on her way out of the kitchen. "see you after school mom!" Sakura dashed down the drive, snatching up her skateboard as she passed through the gate. She threw it down and started pushing off, picking up speed as she went. Sakura narrowly missed several scooters and running high school kids as she went down the street, screeching to a stop at the bottom of the high school steps. She picked up the silver board with its dragon pattern on the bottom and jogged up the steps. She opened her locker, stashing her board away and grabbing her mathtext before going down the hall to class. She saw several boys eyeing her torn, stonewash jeans and she paused, hands on her hips leaning to one side slightly, "what are you staring at you idiots? Stop standing there gaping like dead fish!" before turning with a flip of her hair. She jogged to math, making it just before the bell. She sat down right in front of Kinin. She felt someone poke her in the back, so she turned to face Kinin. He had shaggy blonde hair, blue eyes, and a winning smile. His skin was tanned and every girl in the class liked him except sakura. "what the hell do you want?" she hissed, her eyes narrowing. He grinned and glanced back at the other boys before flashing them a thumbs up. "hey, do you want to go out with me?" He muttered, still grinning as though he knew the answer. It was short and sweet. "No. Go to hell you b*****d" She tuned back around and listened to the math lesson.


    The bell rang, dismissing them from classes. Everyone headed to the courtyard to chat, study, and relax. Sakura headed to the cherry tree. It was just in bloom, pale pink petals rained around the tree like a veil. She found it calming and loved to sit and read there. She took a thick book titled Brisingr out of her backpack and climbed up a ways. A little higher up was three thick branches, curved and grown together like a chair. She sat down and opened the book. "whatcha readin?" Kinin's voice came from behind her, and a hand snatched her book. "brisingr, eh? I didnt think you were into nerd stuff" She saw kinin and his freinds jump down and walk in front of her. "give it back kinin"
    "Not until you agree to go out with me" Sakura jumped out of the tree and walked up to him. "last chance give it back" Kinin merely grinned. "or else?"

    She punched him
    And what a beautiful punch, too. It nailed him in the jaw and sent him sprawling. He dropped the book, rubbing his jaw. Sakura calmly walked over and picked up the book before turning to him, "Next time dont mess with the dragon" This was her nickname because of the fact that it suited her fiery personality. She turned and walked away to sit on a bench. "and that, guys, is why i like her. Not many girls punch a dude in the jaw." He glanced over at her. Aruki had shown up and now the two were talking. He never understood how the two oposited were freinds. Aruki was tall and slim with thick blonde hair, blue eyes, and a girly kind of personality. Today she was wearing a flared miniskirt and a bright magenta top, while sakura was also tall and slim, her personality was more fiery with a sharp edge to it. She had a habit of talking back to other people unless they were her elders, and loved skateboarding. She had long, waist length black hair and had a strange liking for stonewash bluejeans and black shirts. He would never understand girls. He saw Aruki glance his way, and when he grinned she merely scowled. the Final bell rang, it meant everyone could go home. Aruki grabbed sakura by the arm and dragged her out of the courtyard.

    "sakura, what the hell? you punched him? I mean, he IS obnoxiuos, and rude, and full of himself...wait, why am i scolding you for that? Props to you." Sakura just smiled. "aruki, i gotta go home. You wanna come? mom is making cookies today." Aruki's eyes lit up. She liked nothing better than sakura's mother's chocolate chip cookies. "you have a deal. THEN you can tell me all about that mess with kinin"

    "okay, so all this s**t started when?" Aruki sounded a little bored as she broke a fresh chocolate chip cookie in half and letting the goey chocolate bits melt down the cookie. "In first period math class. He kept poking me with a pencil and asking me to go out with him." She rolledher eyes and grabbed the cookie from Aruki's hands, "aruki, are you even listening?" Sakura's best freind snapped to attention. "oh, yeah, it started in math..." She trailed off again.

    "ARUKI!" Sakura snapped. "Well, why dont you say yesmaybee...well...maybee itll turn out you really do like him!" The girl said a little defensively, "I mean, you keep saying how you cant stop thinking bout' him, and how whenever your around him your pulse quickens..." Sakura looked horrified. "me, go out with that stuck up, stupid, obnoxious fatheaded bast..." Aruki cut her off, "Bupbupbup, getting a little carried away. You know i dont like that language! Just say yes and see what hes really like. What he acts like is probably a show for the other guys at school"

    "fine. But if your wrong, you sooooo owe me" Aruki smiled. "We have an agreement!"
    The next day at school, he left her alone all through math. She notices, with much satisfaction, that the place where she had punched him had a nicely sized bruise. He did not bother her through biology or dance, either. In fact, he left her alone all day until Outdoor Class.

    "Sakura?" She turned to face him. "mmh?" He seemed a little akward after the punch yesterday, as if afraid she would punch him again. "its okay, Ill go out with you this time. Just dont try anything" He looked relieved, "how about the Pizza Palace at seven?" She shrugged and returned to her homework. Kinin just walked away, still slightly flustered, and soon after Sakura heard inane whoops and hollars as the other guys slapped kinin on the back, congratulating him.

    "So, you finally said yes?" Aruki said as she plopped down next to sakura. "Aruki, question seven?"
    "mmh. The circumference is 3.5 cm. squared." Sakura grinned. "thanks aruki. I seriously hate math.'
    "mmmh. i understand that." As soon as this was said the bell rang, dismissing them. Sakura snatched up her board and started to gein speed, aiming for the top of the stairs. she went barreling off the top...
    And ended up crashing on top of kinin. Both of their work flying everywhere, she apologized profusely, gathering her papers. He did the same. "here. I think this is yours." Kinin handed her something, a thick book titled Eldest. "thanks," She felt the blood rushing into her face. She felt a little hot. She tried as best as she could to conceal the blush rising to her cheeks. She noticed kinin was blushing, too. "Im really sorry, i guess i was going too fast" She muttered. "oh, its fine, i guess ill pick you up at seven?"


    "mooooom! have you seen my combat boots?"
    "On the left, honey!" Sakuras mother shouted back. She was almost ready. She wore a pair of camoflage cargo pants and a black tee shirt with a silver-and-rainbow metalic tiger printed onto it, along with a blue zipup sweater unziped with an eagle crest on the back. Sakura snatched up the black combat boots, quickly doing up the cross laces. She finished just in time, the doorbell rang. "ill get it dad!" Kinin did NOT need the "you had better treat her right!" lecture. She tucked a rouge lock of hair behind her ears and opened the door. "Hey Kinin"

    "hey. Ready to go? I just got my liscense the other day." He gestured towards the parked car. It was navy blue with tan seats. "Wicked!" Sakura exclaimed. "imgetting my liscense in about a month." SHe climbed into the car, and kinin went around to the other side and started up the veichle. The car cruised smoothly down the road. It took about ten minutes, but they were finally at The Pizza Palace. Kinin walked around and opened the car door, and sakura hopped out. They were seated at table twelve, and after spitballing at the waiter with an afro and seeing who could eat the most pizza(which was Kinin) They left.

    "that was actually pretty fun. Maybee you arent a complete a*****e" Sakura commented.
    "ill take that as a compliment. This time. We're here" Kinin carefully parked in the driveway. Sakura seemed to think for a moment.

    She leaned over and kissed kinin on the cheek before climbing out and dashing up the drive into the house. He stayed parked in the driveway, momentarily stunned, before backing out and driving away.


    Sakura sat at one of the picknicing tables in the park, aruki sat beside her.
    "sakura? you there?" Aruki waved a hand in fromt of her best freinds face. "how did the date go?"
    "I kissed him."
    "I kissed him. You were right. He isnt such a bad guy."
    "SPILL. NOW." Aruki sounded eager to hear how it went, "well, we shot spitballs at the a*****e of a waiter, had a pizza scarfing contest, and talked a bit. I think I do like him. You were right." Aruki squealed and hugged her sakura. "aruki, it was on the cheek. And stop, your going to kill me!" Aruki let go hastily, "sorry, sorry, its just, My best freind is dating! By the way, i wish you wouldn't wear those combat boots. They're so UGLY!"
    "But i like my boots..." That made aruki laugh. She glanced backwards, "oooh, here comes your boy now, and with his possie...Oh s**t, Syaoran is with them! Ill be under the table...s**t...to late...he saw me..." Syaoran had thick brown hair and brown eyes. He had a habit of watching aruki, phoning her, and following her around. Sakura thought he wanted to ask aruki out, but was too shy. The way he never talked sort of scared aruki. One of the boys in the group nudged Syaoran, who retorted angrily, face red. Kinin stepped between the arguers and dragged Syaoran back. They talked for a second, syaoran glancing over at aruki occasionaly, before he nodded and walked over with Kinin. They sat down, Syaoran beside aruki, who edged away. "Aruki, syaoran wants me to ask you something." Kini spoke as if he thought this was ridiculous. "he wants to know if you want to go out with him." Aruki perked up noticeably, then turned to syaoran. "okay, how about tonight?" The boy nodded, looking relieved, then spoke. "sure, how about i pick you up at six?" Aruki's eyes widened in mock surprise. "he speaks!" Everyone laughed.

    Aruki and Syaoran left, along with kinin's freinds. "what was with that kiss last night?" Kinin finally spoke up.She just looked away, as if embarrased. "There isnt any reasont o be embarrased," He lifted a hand and, placing it on her cheek, turned her face towards him and kissed her on the lips.

    They stayed like that for a moment, interlocked, before sakura lifted a hand to take his hand of his cheek. She pulled back a little and openednher eyes, and then spoke:
    "this was on a dare, wasn't it?"
    "Oh yeah."
    "you should run"
    "probably" Her green eyes glinted with anger. She had pulled back all the way, face flushed red. "I never said i took the dare." Kinin spoke softly; Sakura barely heard him. "well, why wouldn't you. Your obnoxious, rude, and you have complete asses for freinds." She stood up and turned to leave, but he grabbed her wrist. "let me go, kinin!" She warned, her voice rising at an alarming rate. "Listen..." Kinin began, but he never finished.

    Sakura had kicked out at him, nailing him in the gut. He released her arm, clutching at his gut. She snatched her hand away, and, for the first time kinin had seen, she had tears streaming down her face. "Sa-sakura, wh-wait!" He wheesed, trying to get up, but he was too out of breath and sat back down, watching her run away into the night.

    She burst into her house, tears streaming down her face. Her father lowered his newspaper, his half-moon glasses sideways on his nose and his black hair askew. She stormed upstairs and slammed her door. "sakura, are you okay? Come out here now, young lady!" Sakura's mother came up, she had straight red hair and green eyes. "Tom, That isnt how you deal with this. Let me take care of it" Her dad just grunted and went back downstairs.

    "Knock knock..." Her mother opened the door and peered in, and, seeing sakura face down in the pillow, entered and sat on the edge of the bed. "saku... whats up?"
    "Nothing" Sakura's mother just rolled her eyes at this. "Sakura, i know something is wrong. Was it a boy?" There was complete silence from her daugter. "it was, wasn't it? tell me everything, hon" Sakura began explaining the whole thing. "

    "And then he kissed me, and i asked him if the whole thing was a dare, and he said yes. He grabbed my wrist and wouldnt let me leave, so i kicked him. I really liked him, i thought he was different, mom!" She burried her face in her pillow again. "Sweetie, i had the same problem with your dad. I was just like you, t shirts, jeans, attitude, everything. Your dad and i had the same problem, i did the same thing as you."
    "You kicked him?"
    "no. I smashed my skateboard over his head. But same concept, really." Sakura laughed. "do you want to know what i did? My mom counseled me, and i gave him a second chance." Her daughter seemed to think for a second, and emerged from her pillow, her eyes were determined. Her mother smiled, thinking how similar she was to her daughter, and left the room.


    "hey sakura, i heard it didnt go well with kinin last night" Aruki plopped down beside her best freind during the outside portion. "love the outfit, You wore a tube top instead of a t-shirt." Sakura rolled her eyes. "yes, then you heard right. And do NOT bring up this outfit. Dont look now, Syaoran coming in on the left." Sakura warned her best freind. Syaoran sat beside aruki, who turned to him and kissed him straight on.

    "Im guessing it went well last night?" Sakura raised an eyebrow at her best freind at syaoran, the one she thought of as a stalker. "well, yeah. Its like we were made for each other. That didnt sound as cheesy as i think it did, did it?" Her best freind grimaced and nodded. "it kinda did aruki..." Aruki leaned over and pecked syaoran on the cheek, "I need to go help Sakura get back with Kinin, mmkay?" Syaoran just frowned, "that might be hard. He wont talk to anyone. Hes pretty upset, at the guy who dared him and himself. He really likes you, sakura." She just groaned and smacked her head on the table. "your coming with me, sakura." Aruki's voice was firm. She grabbed her best freind by the arm and dragged her over to the old cherry tree where Kinin sat on a branch. The pink of the blossoms was completely replaced by the green of leaves and the red of the ripe cherries. Aruki pushed her at the tree, hissing; "Go, talk. Make it better. BE NICE!" Sakura stumbled up to the tree, and looked up at Kinin. "Hey..." He didn't reply, only looked away. She bit her lip and climbed up, sitting on a branch beside him. "kinin..."

    "Look, just leave me alone. Its clear you dont like me..." He scowled, "hm. well, if i didn't like you, why would i try to apologize? Look, i know i was a bit of a b***h, but, i really do like you...what do i have to do to prove it?" No reply. "Kinin..." He ignored her again, turning around so he didn't see her. "Fine, have it your way." And she jumped down to leave. He didn't try to stop her this time. She flicked a lock of hair out of her eyes and stormed away, her face a dark cloud. She passed Aruki and Syaoran, who were kissing and did not notice her. BRRRRIIIIIING! The bell rang. Sakura grabbed her skateboard and started to pick up speed. She hurtled around the corner at welsh street and barreled through the dog park, a small, ugly little daschund tailing her. She glanced at the thing, stubby little legs pumping, and burst into laughter. She did not understand why she was this happy. But who cares? At least i know how he really feels. She thought. She glanced away from the daschund and up ahead, the fence. Sakura crouched lower to pick up speed, before jumping over the fence. Her skateboard whooshed through a hole in the fence, and she landed on it on the other side. SCREEEEEEE! She screeched to a stop in front of the skate park. "hey Roddney, whats up?" She called out to the skateboarder with shaggy blonde hair. He reminded her of a stupid kinin. "heeey, Sakura! havent seen you here since you hooked up with that dude, from your school, with the blonde hair...." She grinned. "i know, i know. Dont remind me about him. Now. Buisness. Skateoff?"

    Later that night

    Tap tap! Something hit sakura's window. She tossed her book aside and unlatched the hook, opening the window.
    She saw kinin below, hands in his pocket. His face turned red at the sight of her, he averted his eyes. She looked down at what she was wearing, HOLY s**t! IM IN MY UNDERWEAR!She ducked back into her room and threw on a T-shirt. She went back to the window. "What the hell do you want, kinin!" She hissed.

    "a second chance" He looked hopeful while he said this, and Sakura could hardly bear to give him her answer, "give me one good reason why."
    "because i love you" She scowled. "your moodswings are givin me wiplash, buddy!" She slammed her window shut. CLINK! another rock hit her window. She scowled and picked up a rubber duck from her bedside table and, opening the window, hucked it with great force at his head. Squeek! It bounced of his head. "a duck? Thats the best you can do?" She rolled her eyes and turned to go back inside. "ah!" A rock had hit her in the back of the head. That was it. It was go time. She threw on a pair of black pajamas with red demon duckies on them before storming downstairs and out the front door. Her hands were balled into fists, and her hair was blown around in the cold wind. Kinin had not noticed her come out. She walked up behind him and shoved him, ke stumbled and landed in a puddle. "what the f...." He wheeled around. "oh, your out here. Good." She shoved him again, her face a dark cloud. "listen, kinin. make up your mind! One minute your being an a** and now your saying you love me. Im sick of this, okay? I keep falling for you and i keep getting hurt, well not this time." Her eyes remaind dry. "Sakura..." He touched her shoulder. "sakura, just give me one last chance.." She turned to him. "fine. One chance. And it better be good." It started to rain, and she shivered a bit. He stepped closer and kissed her. Kinin put all his feelings towards her into that one kiss. All his love and sadness and happiness and worry and shame. He felt her arms go around her neck. He raised a hand and burried it in her hair. They remained like that for almost two minutes, until Sakura's father came out, and, seeing them interlocked, dragged them apart and hauled sakura into the house. She was up in her room, and she snuck over to the window and threw a paper airplane at him. He saw writing on it and unfolded it.

    That was the best last chance ever

    Sakura Pendragon heart

    She went back to her bed, smiling a little before flopping down and falling asleep.

    The sun pierced her window and fell onto her eyes. Groaning, Sakura hauled herself up and got dressed:Jeans and a black tee as usual. Ah, saturdays. She bounced down the stairs and plopped herself down at the counter. Sakura's mom sat a plate with eggs and toast in front of her daughter with a quiet; "Dig in, hon!" Sakura ripped into the toast and forked down the eggs. "Bye, mom! going to the skatepark!" She scooped up her skateboard and threw it down in front of her. She pushed off and started rocketing down the street; wind tousling in her long black hair. All she could think that she wanted to go FASTER! She sped toward the park and screeched to a stop. "Hey Roddney!" The shaggy blonde hair practically covered his face. She could not help but grin up at him as he flipped it out of his eyes. "hey, Roddney, can you check up on my board? The paints chipping and it could use some new wheels." She handed the black board with the silver dragon pattern chipping away. He took it, turning it over in his skillful hands. "suuuuure, but itll cost ya." He drawled. She rolled my eyes; "How much?"

    "fifteen bucks." Sakura started laughing. She pulled out her wallet and gave him a twenty. "there, Keep the change and trick it out a little more. Roddney smiled. "can do."
    "Sakura! Hey!" I wheeled to see Kinin striding over the field at me. I couldn't help but smile back when he said; "Your looking nice today!"