• MoonSong woke up that morning to the sounds of Redd and ShadowLord's snoring. She made a face and snorted. Ugh! Males. Typical. she thought with disdain. She stood up and stretched out her powerful wings. Then she walked outside to the cliff face and looked down at the scenery below her. The forest below was bustling with the activity of small animals. Animals that her kind would be hunting later. She looked back to the male wolves. There was no way she would be telling them of her royal position as Princess of the Wolves. If they didn't burst out laughing, they would believe she was crazy. And if they did believe her, they would bow down before her. The princess snarled. She hated it when wolves degraded themselves by bowing to her.
    MoonSong kicked some snow off the cliff and watched it fall. That was what her life had been like growing up in the kingdom. Falling and falling without any hope of coming up. It made her a failure in royalty and politics. She frowned and looked up to the sky.
    MoonSong squinted. She thought she could see a large, flying black dot. What was it? She had a bad feeling about this. The princess quickly ran back into the cave, waking up ShadowLord and Redd. "What's wrong?" asked ShadowLord in bewilderment.
    MoonSong didn't answer, she merely stayed quiet and shushed them. She had recognized the dot as MoonStorm, the leader of the Warrior Band. She had always dreaded that band whenever her father had sent them out on a task to find her. He had sent them out several times when she had been a pup. The wolf princess had always been brought back to Beast King under protest.

    The seconds passed slowly. They felt more like hours. She could have sworn she heard wingbeats outside, but they soon receded. She let out a sigh of relief. Redd took a look outside and then came back in. He shook his head.
    "No one there." he stated bluntly, glaring slightly at MoonSong. "What was all that about? Were you some criminal earlier on?"
    MoonSong growled at the impudent wolf. "It's none of your damn business! My life is my own and it is in the past! I'm starting anew!" she snarled at him.
    ShadowLord nodded understandingly. "We understand that you prefer not to tell us. But if you want us to trust you completely, then you really should explain yourself." he suggested kindly.
    MoonSong shrugged her shoulders. "Fine by me. You won't trust me completely. And I won't trust you. Shouldn't be hard. I was attacked last night and I've just met the both of you." the princess replied coolly with all the pride and dignity of a princess. ShadowLord and Redd blinked with confusion and surprise. MoonSong smiled inwardly.
    If you want me to tell you my past. You shall have to work harder than that. And three times as sly and clever as my father taught me to be. she thought with great satisfaction.