• It was a dark, grim day. The dying moon and sun setting over the deepen skies, the mountain tops sharpened like razors. The firs in the forest waved, even though there was no wind. And out of the shadows, he came.
    At last...he was here.
    Suddenly, the winds rose, the grass drooped and died underneath his feet, crows and ravens flew out in a great wave from the horizon and sang their lament. Some welcome. Some guest.
    This was his revenge.
    Cassius' revenge.
    The wind blew his hair all around his face, like tendrils of some beautiful golden creature, tinged with a blood red, as if it had been dipped, and suddenly withdrawn...
    Cassius had not been this excited since he was first created...sure he had done this more than he could remember but this time...it had been personal.
    Right down to his little black heart.
    Figuratively speaking of course.
    He apprached the great lake, the plants all cringing away from his footsteps, all living things cowering as if he was the Devil himself.
    Near the edge, he stopped. And raised his great arms into the air, the long fingers pointed upwards, and the fire in his eyes grew. How sweet was revenge? How sweet was it to take a life knowng it will satisfy the quenching thirst of this so unknown feeling?
    Enough waiting, he had to do this.
    The water of the once calm lake shot up, towering above the demon, towering over the forest until it came to a halt.
    A sudden rush of ectasy ran though Cassius' body, and he smirked. This happened every time. But it was so filling! A sensation of POWER.
    "Xeafein!" he called, "take this soul now, and summon your strengths to take your kingdom again!"
    And he threw something at the great tower. The water turned into a great hand, and went back to its state.
    Now it was time to leave.
    As he was being swept away, he saw a glimpse of a great tidal wave, crashing into everything.
    A small laugh was all he could give.
    He was tired after all.
    But what he didn't realise was that the end of this world...would strike the flame of something new.
    Something that wouldn't happen...surely it couldn't?